Captain Fantasy

because he's wrong?

Remember when Curt Schilling tried to start a gaming company and then proceeded to drive it straight into the ground? Who would have known he was an idiot?

very important freeze peach

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

The post title is terribly sensationalist. Calling it a "miracle drug" but "you can't have them".

Don't those still have to prove they work?
Otherwise, couldn't a non-scrupulous actor sell sugar pills, claim they treat some rare disorder, and charge whatever he liked?

The author needs to understand exactly what statistical significance is. If a drug's effects show improvement, but is not statistically different from a placebo, it is then no different from a placebo. Similarly, if a drug's effects show worse symptoms, but is not statistically different from a placebo, it is again,

Thank you. I came to these comments looking for the Lannister gifs.

listen, Mark, you seem like a good guy and a funny fellow. So I'm really sorry that you're getting the brunt of my bad day. But for the love of God.

No contest:

I'm never surprised by his stance on anything. I'm surprised when he manages to get anything done.

"And he's conflating a hatred with anything Obama stands for with a hatred for this particular stance, which is a rational and potentially bipartisan solution to a problem that affects everyone across the aisle"

Moreover, Conflict Kitchen's (largely conservative) pro-Israel critics are still propagating the frankly insane notion that the restaurant has some responsibility to include the perspective of both sides of the conflict.

And if they people in charge had the slightest idea how science works, they actually might....

But we all know it will never happen since the people who run this country are convinced that scientists are greedy opportunists who cook up global threats so they can buy fancy cars and live in big houses on the coast. Meanwhile the nation craps its collective pants over actual trumped-up threats like Ebola or ISIS.

why stop at just 52? That's week!

if you want to donate I have a GoFundMe site set up for his legal expenses. I volunteer for Arnold and Love Thy Neighbor. I cook. And serve. I am also on the Board. We are a small, private, non profit that receives no govt funding. We would really appreciate all the help we can get. Link-

The real question is, why didn't Arnold Abbott run for Governor of Florida?

If you merged Rick Scott and Scott Walker the resulting man would be named Scott Scott and would probably destroy the earth.

Gamergate started with harassing Zoe Quinn you fucking moron.