Captain Cupholder

The president of the United States has quite literally the largest platform in the entire world. He’s using it to say what he means...

I think it’s a weekly(?) “post whatever you want” thing. If you click on the author, other “articles” include “Tupananchikkama” and “Orevwa” and are all filed to “BYE!” (forgive the formatting of my post, kinja sucks). Most or all seem to be non-English, not sure why or how much it even matters; again, I think it’s a

You cannot exist on the internet without being tracked...”

Did you not read - or even skim - the link I provided? If you want to be pedantic, fine: if you’re not on facebook and don’t have an account, maybe you’re not using it, but facebook nevertheless is “using you” - even people who’ve never used facebook have what are often referred to as “shadow profiles” - they

First, you don’t speak for all “former hippies and vintage leftists.” Second, this “you young people” shit, along with your username, is really patronizing. Can you blame “young people” for being angry that the planet is melting, the cost of health insurance and college is through the roof, etc... Is this the “change”

I am all about this. I’d love for the government to actually break up some monopolies. Anti-trust laws and enforcement of those laws have been a cruel joke for basically my entire life. And for idiots and trolls (incl. Show And Tell) who say things like “don’t like facebook? then don’t use it!” YOU DON’T REALLY HAVE A

I like metaphors! They’re fun, and they help me make sense of the world! I like to imagine Twittler is the airport catering cart - no coherent direction, essentially aimless, broken, about to crash into something (America?) and do (even more) damage.

you may be right.

As terrible as the Dubya Administration’s response to Katrina was, my impression is that the Drumpf Administration’s response to Maria was worse - maybe much worse. I don’t know exactly what would help beyond having a president who isn’t racist and classist, but I’m open to theories.

I thought 2,000 was closer to the appropriate sample size. I’m not sure how much significance I’d attach to a single poll of 1,000 people. With a sample size of 1,000, seems like you get a good chance of getting the “wrong” results- like “wrong” enough to make the “wrong” prediction in an election. (I understand that,

He may be having a “bad one,” but of all the polls out there, right now he’s apparently 11 points ahead of his closest competition for the Democratic nomination, which I’d argue is one of - if not the most - important polls for him and Democrats on a national level:

yeah, it’s really hard to say whether violence from protesters is effective or not. i think it matters a lot where the violence is directed and how it’s covered in the news. but it’s a lot easier to guess what the response from cops will be, and that’s a violent - and indiscriminate - backlash. if a protester breaks a

I read it, I just don’t agree with all of it. Is this at all typical of how you relate to people you disagree with online? Because I question the efficacy of your approach.

right, but... I just think it was far more Americans than Russians that gave Trump what he needed to win. And at risk of repeating myself, I think we should focus more on American shit, for at least a couple reasons:

Good? It’s

yes, and it would be easier for me to grumble about my neighbor’s gas guzzler than it would be for me to reflect on my role in climate change and act accordingly.

that sure would fit the pattern so far

That’s awfully pissy of you, just in general. And I don’t want to get into a pissing match. Did I waffle? Maybe a little. And it’s true that we have some control over foreign influence in our elections. But... I think too much discussion of Russian (or Ukranian) meddling provides a convenient distraction from other