there’s some of it here, but maybe not as much as you’d like, and you have to dig for it:
there’s some of it here, but maybe not as much as you’d like, and you have to dig for it:
Honestly I’m not sure it’s all that recent :(
I don’t really understand what you’re saying, but some of that I blame on how convoluted they’re making Kinja. When looking at the “Notifications” page I *can* click on the date/time on at least some comments. Does it take me to the comment? Sometimes almost!
I’m not so sure. I know the effectiveness of protests is hard to gauge, but they can make a difference - even a positive one. Smart politicians take protests seriously, especially big ones.
Thanks. Confusing given the articles themselves have that “bookmark” icon, but the replies don’t seem to.
Uh... I’m a little lost on how Kinja is working these days. What is this?
This better get A LOT of news coverage, and I’m thinking especially TV coverage. And if it doesn’t, idk what... break windows of news companies? Angry letters to same? Boycotts? All of the above? I’m just spitballing here.
I don’t think Trump gives a shit about the environment. He may want his golf courses pretty, but I don’t even think he cares how that gets accomplished.
uh... yeah it was in part tongue-in-cheek... if you want my honest opinion, you can ask i guess
I think a lot of people are using the word “electability” as shorthand for “people know who this person is.” I also think it’s often used as shorthand for “I like and agree with this person.”
I’m not sure all the details of Beto’s plan, but I could get behind “you can sell them to us or we’ll take them from you.” Are you part of a “well-regulated militia”? Probably not. *yoink* (And if you are... yikes! Have you considered worshipping some god that isn’t military hardware? Maybe someone or something less…
fair enough.
People make the robots. People’s own biases are programmed into artificial intelligences.
yeah... as i understand it, “robot cars” are already better than people drivers - at least under certain conditions. it sucks that i trust computers more than people in certain circumstances, but as others have pointed out, these computers were programmed by people, so...
interesting. and creepy.
it’s a lot more complicated than I can make sense of. beyond that, i don’t have the patience to do a deep-dive of how and why this program was created and how it works.
The site, which describes itself as “a provocation designed to help us see into the ways that humans are classified in machine learning systems,”
hey, there’s always Uber ;)
sure, maybe that “Deep State” everyone’s talking about
...event attendees were not told in advance where the event is or who’s actually hosting it, and have instead been instructed to simply “arrive at a parking place in Palo Alto, from which they will be transported to the event.”