
So was his grandfather. His grandfather and father were both 4 star rank, you stupid cocksucking idiot.

If you weren’t a worthless piece of shit, you could get the same health care coverage he had.

I take it you can’t be bothered to Google what an ad hominem attack is?

The one constant: The woman will always press charges and demand money and Moskowitz will cover it with a bias towards the alleged “victim”.

That trait makes for good secondary coverage.

In the meantime, the unfortunately named “Lucky” has moved to Australia and taken up rugby and is glad to be rid of all things NFL.

lol - I wondered who in crikey fuck thought Schumer could play Barbie. You could put her in a field and open a drive-in and show a movie on her fat ass. Anne Hathaway is much better.

No. No it is not. What you wrote was:

Nothing in the ACA has anything to do with Medicare, as the OP later discussed, and the fact you brought it into the discussion is quite a tell.

I don’t know the complete answer, but I definitely recommend avoiding this site which is filled with Millenial idiots that don’t know anything but open up a site asking you to ask them anything.

Making an ad hominem attack when you actually know the person you’re arguing with is idiotic. Making one to an anonymous internet stranger is worse, and only proves you have nothing substantive to say.

COUNTERPOINT: We just enforce the law. If you’re here illegally, you’re by definition not “law-abiding” and thus violate your own standard.

Are they here legally? If so, then Sessions is wrong.

There’s only one Democrat?

The US AG comes out and supports upholding the law?

No. That is not how insurance works. Here is how insurance works:

Taxpayers benefits via schools (better workers), police (business needs cops), etc.

No. That is definitely NOT how insurance works.

1) Because I don’t want to pay for and/or subsidize your health coverage. You owe it to yourself, your family and everyone else to do that for yourself.

Exactly. “They” aren’t paying shit, but I am. “They” expect me to pay for them, and their 15 kids from 14 mothers, and “They” get upset if I don’t.
Fuck them.