Amlo Mexico
Amlo Mexico
Aka the real reason Peter Thiel went after them. He was confirmedly pissed of by Valleywag’s reporting, since it cut through Silicon Valley’s neoliberal BS eyewash and marketing propaganda like a hot knife through butter.
Arrant nonsense. The historical data proves the EC was instituted to protect slavery. Slave states wouldn’t have had the votes to fight off an abolitionist candidate.
Donoteat is great
Also... GRRM is of advanced age. Anybody of us can only dream of being this productive, this travel-fit when we reach those years.
No big deal. I haven’t watched his regular videos yet, in which he explains urban planning concepts by playing Cities: Skylines, because I’m more into this conventional kind of video essay.
You? I like
Okay, Miyazaki, if you could come out of retirement one further time...
Maybe in the 70s, but today superhero drek is only read by 40-plus dudes and NOBODY else, if sales figures are anything to go by.
Meh, the “denazification” of West Germany was a joke. A whole bunch of nazis made it back into the armed forces, intelligence agencies, police, judiciary and politics.
The wars fought by those families killed more people than Fascist Itally, correct
From what I understand the municipal authorities sprang some coin for beautification after the Walled City came down, or did I get that wrong?
Hope Al Jean got a few tips how to mistreat his female employees
Or you could just get Cards Against Humanity, does the same trick
You know who else gives large (or so they claim) sums to charity? Pewdiepie
You know who else gives large (or so they claim) sums to charity? Pewdiepie
Xi Jinping may be evil AF, but he’s a cool calculating mind.
WTF is that header image. I don’t think that happened in the original book, right? Looks more like something out of Rule of Rose.
The resulting travesty which threw the entire story and brains out shows that.