Captain Contrarian

I would be exceedingly unsurprised if he got exposed as a fash

And necessary

Pretty sure he planned that to be rape


Yes. If we could switch his life with Arnie’s, he would’ve run as a Republican in California.

Promised Neverland (that one ani-tuber guy I watch recommended the manga; gives off some serious Monster vibes)

Cishet = you’re both cisgender and heterosexual. That’s it.

I feel like that’d be firmly regarded as a slur if it didn’t represent the majority

We always had a presence in gaming. Cishets didn’t much care to notice us, though, until recently (when our existence in gaming spaces was politicized by the neo-fascists as fuel for their culture wars).


Woman deserves a raise

Gilliam hasn’t entertained anyone for decades and “parroting our beliefs” is one brain genius twisting of “upholding moral standards chosen by social consensus.”

Lol, Gilliam hasn’t entertained anyone for decades and “parroting our beliefs” is one brain genius twisting of “upholding moral standards chosen by social consensus.” Screw you, shitgoblin

Oh, all movies by Zemeckis’ company, ImageMovers, are terrible. Forget the terrifying animation and the weird reactionary story elements that find their way into the scripts (Mars Needs Moms ended up being a paean for traditional gender roles, in contrast to the original book), it and its technology were created with

in the west, there is also the association of Winnie the Pooh with Daoism

But don’t forget, it’s Antifa- sorry, ANTIFA who are the real terrorists because they *checks notes* use the most effective tactic against nazis by beating them up

I mean, they have a special “white genocide” category for advertisers

Vans covered in memes, which lead to terrorism


Honestly, her on-screen departure and that of Charlie Sheen’s character on TAAHM should’ve been switched around.