
But he doesn’t know his real name ,....he got his known name because he ...HAN..dles things ....Solo

I’m partial to the Battlestar Galactica space paper, where the corners are cut off.

Please. Please. Please make the season end with them all looking up as the gigantic face of Superman is looking down at them and there is a shocking reveal that this is all taking place in Kandor in the Fortress of Solitude and it’s all an elaborate plotline Clark came up with to give them all something to do to keep

Still not better than Wrath of Khan but it is a fucking good Trek movie.

Star Trek: First Contact is the single best Star Trek movie. Fight me.

But Shania didn’t die. She was turned into a giant bug but that was reversed once they got out of Daly’s mod. She wa there with the rest of the crew in standard Infinity uniforms at the end.

It’s both. They are not mutually exclusive.

I think this article touches on my biggest problem with the movie. The movie is a commentary on Star Wars movies and not a Star Wars movie.

B-Wing is best wing, it’s right there in the name.

That’s why the yuenglings couldn’t stop Anakin killing them.

The Upside Down was clearly created, and recently enough that every structure (including cars, streetlamps, etc.) that exists in the real Hawkins is also mirrored in the Upside Down. The last shot of S2 where the winter dance decorations also appear in the Upside Down, despite (presumably) not being up year round,

Snoke is TK-421. He’s been seeking vengeance against the men who knocked him out and stole his armor 35 years ago.

Trendacosta couldn’t let the article end without an unambiguous snarky insult to the show. Just to make sure it’s been conveyed.

Yes, the snark is strong in this one. Did you catch the comment implied in “Longer than this show has, probably”, insinuating that Discovery won’t last long?

Tell that to Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the franchise and executive producer who oversaw the complete redesign of the universe for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

  • Guess there were holograms before TOS and the Enterprise just didn’t have them?

I don’t hate this show.

Being a prequel isn’t the biggest problem (although it’s in the top 3). I see the biggest problem lying with the sickeningly cavalier attitude the showrunners and writers are taking with established canon.

You’re thinking of “The One Where We Find Out That Ross Is An Escalating Fetishist Serial Killer.”

“The One About the Lambs”