The ENT looked fantastic, it is now more clear than ever that they are ignoring TOS (rightfully so) and using TMP as the true established canon.
The ENT looked fantastic, it is now more clear than ever that they are ignoring TOS (rightfully so) and using TMP as the true established canon.
Why wouldn’t it be the prime Enterprise? Because it didn’t look like a cheap 1960's prop?
I got such a kick out of the Enterprise showing up at the end (and it looked fantastic), so of course the AVC review hates it.
Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.
MABA: Make America Bane Again
There was a study done that said the zombie genre as a whole tends to gain popularity when Republicans are in power and vampires gain popularity when Democrats are in power.
Maybe because Negan reminds us a little too much of a certain person who was recently elected? I like to work out my anxiety by getting scared of imaginary zombies, not have it amplified by getting scared of an imaginary dictatorial narcissist.
To quote H.L. Mencken, “No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
It’s even harder to believe that people still want to vote for him (cough cough dad cough cough).
It’s hard to believe one person can contain this amount of stupid.
The whole Star Trek 50 series that all of you (Giz, io9, LH) have been doing is fantastic. It shows why Trek has lasted. It’s ultimately about the various ways of being a hu-MON, not just gadgets and whizbangery.
This article has been the very best argument for actually taking the time to watch Start Trek. Really well written and thought out. Thank you.
No no, the Enterprise show crew threatened to put people in the airlock all the time!
so im guessing the gameplay must be good cuz the graphics look like its from 1999....
That’s still rub though. The authors of Red Son, of Injustice, of Kingdom Come, of any story where Superman is “off” and try and tell you “this is the correct version of Superman. This is how he SHOULD be. This is right.” The reason those stories work so well is readers inherently know it ISN’T right. It’s about…
The scene I think most about from BvS is the moment after Wally’s bomb blows up, and it shows Superman surrounded by death and flames, saddened but physically impervious to it. It’s a scene that resonates, and perhaps says a lot about the film’s version of the character and where they might want to take it. The other…
I don’t think it’s that they don’t “get” Superman, but that they’re happy to play around with him in ways that don’t fit the zeitgeistian image of the character. Fans have images of Superman and the Justice League in their heads, collages pieced together by their experiences with the character, and DC doesn’t always…
Yes, as a matter of fact: