
This is so damn sad. He was the glue that held together most of The Wire, and just stood out as so genuine and unique from all other actors in everything he did.

Yeah, I’ve disagreed with that part of James’ critique as well. This season’s been in a good groove overall.

I wonder if I am alone in thinking CBS All Access basically being StarTrek 24/7 is a terrible no good very bad idea? I love StarTrek but I don’t want to follow multiple StarTrek television series that potentially all take place in their own universe, or in different time periods, etc. It seems like a really great

I think I’ve seen this show before

My suggestion: An anthology style show staring everyone’s favorite extra-dimensional being, Q. Each episode is one of his adventures throughout time and space.

Please let Spock impregnate Michael to make Tuvok...

Finally, all those years of reading Memory Alpha have paid off.

Jeffrey Combs should play everything. I’d be happy if the next captain of the Discovery was Jeffrey Combs

Because Star Trek is wholly invested in a weird sort of cosmic Manifest Destiny, where the viewpoints of humans are dominant and slowly but surely, crush all opposition?

Please let it be a Death in Winter adaptation.

The Maul Obi-Wan sequence in Rebels gives me chills EVERY SINGLE TIME. It was just so perfect, I really wouldn’t change a thing, so many details put in, so many little nods and winks showing all the time that has truly gone by since these two first met. For me, it is still probably my favorite moment in Rebels, which

I’m anxiously awaiting the pre-pre-prequel show, that followed the HMS Enterprise as it sails around Cape Horn to explore the Pacific.

To keep beating that dead sehlat is illogical.

Best Star Trek *period*

It easily is, and this despite the fact that Fuller, the lead showrunner was gone before it even aired.

Best first season since the Original Series.

Without question. With the exception of the original series, the 1st season of most Trek shows are unwatchable. This was FAR better, even if you decided you did not like where the series went.

Discovery wasn’t perfect, but I will say this - it may have been the best first season in the franchise.

Of course, maybe if people weren’t constantly bitching about how this show isn’t “their” Star Trek (entitled much?), maybe the showrunners wouldn’t have felt the need to have the ship in there or wrap the storyline up in a neat little kumbaya package.