
Screw the psychology of a guy who dresses up like a bat to fight costumed criminals. It’s pointless. Crazy people do that shit.

I think them showing the Doctor in full, (involuntary), regeneration in the first scene was a “faux-flashback double-bluff.” You’re meant to think, “Oh, they’re showing us an event that occurs in the future,” when in reality, what you’re seeing is playing out in real time in his head.

He was given a new cycle by Galifrey ie he is on the first regeneration of his new cycle.

I like it. An Occurrence at Gallifrey Bridge, as it were.

The new trailer brings up the question of how do the Telos/Cybus/Iron Cybermen fit into this?

Spitballing: this weekend’s episode of Doctor Who is taking place entirely in the Doctor’s head. He is hallucinating as he regenerates. The “400-mile-spaceship poised outside a black hole” is his mental representation of himself. The black hole is the pending regeneration. This would also explain the incongruous

Security personnel in Star Trek: The Motion Picture had some kind of armor.

because it makes it now totally bizarre that 10 years after this—and then seemingly forever in the show’s timelines—Starfleet will promptly forget that giving even the most basic protection to its officers going off-ship was a smart idea.

Tangentially related: Why do Starfleet uniforms change so often?

Perhaps that uniform was made in direct reaction to this new uniform?

They do look very comfy like something made out of a snuggie.

I’m not a huge stickler for this stuff but it makes no sense that they aren’t wearing these, given we see Pike & Co wearing them in The Cage which takes place 11 years before TOS (so 1 year before Discovery) and we see Kirk & Co wearing them in the first year of the 5-year mission (10 years after Discovery)

Daughter or girlfriend?

My prediction is that the Doctor becomes the Master (either this Master or Missy, similar to how the Doctor took the face of the Roman at Vesuvius. It is a perfect way to cover the hiring, keep it secret.

So yes, apparently I’m going to need to stay off the internet for the next 3 weeks until the current Dr Who season is over and #14 make his appearence.

Ugh. My wife and I, both big Trek fans, audibly groaned in unison when we saw this for the first time. Alas, Enterprise was really not very good. Even Count Bakula could not save it.

Also: Anyone who is still mad that Harmony Gold edited three anime series that would never ever ever have seen the light of day in America in turned it into a single series that paved the way for the entirety of American anime fandom is a goddamned lunatic. I don't know why you believe you live in a world where

99% of everyone who saw Robotech had no idea it was three shows spliced together. Don't be that guy who thinks because he found out after the fact that he's better than everyone who saw Robotech first. It's like being Hipster Guy of Anime when you say silly things. What's next, talking about how they sold out with

No, Robotech is not the greatest love story of the 20th century.

Look, there's going to be a lot of whinging about this being a repost (io9 does Flashbacks all the time) or folks complaining about Harmony Gold (they are jerks) or people insisting Macross is blah blah blah (yakkity schmakity), but let's just accept this for what it is: an excuse for me to post a .gif of Mirya