I'd heard other commenters mention it a few times before, but I still need to check it out!
I'd heard other commenters mention it a few times before, but I still need to check it out!
How could I forget! I watched it for a season or so because of my love for Kristen Bell/Veronica Mars, but hearing her snarky comments every so often wasn't enough to keep me watching. Not as flashy as Jane the Virgin's Latin Lover Narrator, but I'm glad to know people appreciated her.
Accurate assessment of her roles, but she's definitely had at least five good parts: Veronica Mars, The Good Place, Deadwood, Party Down, Parks & Rec. If we're talking only movies though then… maybe not. All I can think of is Frozen, Veronica Mars (but that's kind of cheating), Forgetting Sarah Marshall (ehhh), and…
Yes, you should see Arrival! That was definitely one of my favorite aspects, that they weren't humanoid at all and had such a different concept of language.
Number of nipples depends on the number of young birthed. Humans (and I believe primates in general) have one child a time, for the most part. Two nipples is plenty since twins and triplets are not that common. And yeah, symmetry.
Aw, you're making me miss Elegant Victorian Lady. I'd hoped she would grace us with her lovely presence here, but alas, she doesn't seem to frequent this site anymore.
At least he's still baby-faced as ever. The positive review piqued my interest, but I haven't seen Tristan Wilds in anything since The Wire (and coming across the Spanish-dubbed version of Red Tails on TV ones time) so I'll have to check this out.
Fair, though I think his/the writer talking up his skills was more of a Cantonese (Southern Chinese) vs. Northern Chinese thing than a China vs. Taiwan thing.
Yeah, Rafael and Petra hooking up felt like the show going in circles so that kind of soured the episode for me.
Hong Kong is NOT mainland China. I feel like people in Hong Kong would be insulted by that sentiment. Similar to Taiwan, there's a struggle against control by the Chinese government (see the Umbrella Movement), and they see mainland Chinese as greedy and obnoxious. Since it was a British colony only 20 years ago, it's…
I like the hair and stubble (really he could make any look work) but I'm not digging the baggy linen pants. When he stepped in on Petra and Chuck's argument I honestly thought he was walking around in his pajamas.
That's how I've heard it explained too, and makes the most sense to me. I don't understand what the difference is between "catches fire easily" and "is easily caught on fire," because flammable is not used to refer to things that spontaneously burst into flames (with no heat source).
Yeah I couldn't find it either just now, but I could've sworn seeing it in the "Now Trending" section a month or two ago. Can anyone else confirm that I'm not imagining things?!
Wait, wasn't Brooklyn Nine-Nine on US Netflix a few weeks ago?? Did they take it off?
YouTube already switched from a star based rating system to thumbs-up/thumbs-down years ago. I don't think people there got dumber, though that is because the commenters were always dumb and terrible people.
And also so visually beautiful. Even the close-ups of objects in the end credits looked amazing.
Not exactly a great, elegant movie but entertaining enough as a light Western.
I know it's too soon to be comparable to the classics, but I haven't loved a Disney animated film as much as Moana in years.
I died laughing at Teddy going underwater and then immediately popping back up, freaked out and gasping for air. Bob was being generous when he said, "You were down there for, like, two seconds!"
It's strange, I now find Great Job, Internet! comforting and newswires annoying because of the comment sections. You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!