Captain Avatar

The reason they neither redefined nor transcended grunge is because they were never grunge to begin with, as others have stated in the comments.

Ah, see, I thought you were asking if "Boys Are Back In Town" qualified as a heavy metal song. As influential as Lizzy is to the NWOBHM and thrash bands, they were something not quite metal, although they had some songs that qualify. Very diverse band.

Well, yes, if I was going to intentionally drink a lot, the macros offer less alcohol on average. If I drank 5 or 6 Worldwide Stouts, I'd literally die.

Well, I made it 24 seconds in before I realized there was nothing heavy nor metal about this song.

If you said they covered Thin Lizzy's "Massacre" or "Emerald", I'd say yes.

Oh, I know. I am from the land where Yuengling flows. I had a Sam Adams Octoberfest in college, which was a long time ago….the dial up era…and I take pride in the fact that a Bud or Miller or any of the other macros served at keggers has never passed these lips. Then I got to live in San Diego for nearly 8

I created a Disqus account after lurking here for years just to brag how I would be able to try this right at the source, since I live in Delaware. Apparently, its not quite as small a state as I imagined before I moved here. God damn AV Clubbers living everywhere these days.