Captain Avant-Garde

Disqus is worse than Ramsay.

That's why you make copies. Not_Today has a point, it seems kinda sloppy. Unless there was a fire at Castle Black at some point, which I guess is possible (although convenient).

Normal zombification rules do not apply. I don't even think dying is enough, your body has to be used in one of those White Walker art installations.

We can only hope.

Yeah, the way people go about explaining the problem has been a bit contrived, to say the least.

Cersei can't be in prison for weeks because she clearly hasn't been drinking any water.

"[Ramsay]'s kind of a dick" has to be the understatement of the year.

I beat O&S using Solaire AND a co-oper. I also tanked the hell out of the Four Kings with full Havel set. And speaking of Havel, I got his ring in the lamest way possible (by aggroing him and running to the tower's Burg entrance, which his AI can't cross). I don't feel ashamed by any of that.


Also, True Blood was pretty campy from episode one. It was mostly about tits and gore.

I thought about that and I don't know, wouldn't Roose want to close the deal as soon as possible? I guess they could stretch it out and nobody would notice it, but if we're talking about things making sense, that wouldn't.


We saw the High Sparrow giving soup to the poor when Cersei first went to talk to him, and that was it.

Who the hell forgave Tarkin?

He's death — comes to everyone, is sometimes random, can't be stopped (just postponed), etc.

That's what I've been saying to people on Facebook (I know, I know). Gender issues aside, there's no excuse for a lazy and repetitive plot.

That too.

What did the OP say? The comment was deleted and I'm morbidly curious.

It's TV. Remember LOST, where every other episode someone would get knocked unconscious for as long as the plot demanded and then wake up and be fine? GoT doesn't use that trope nearly as much, but rule of thumb seems to be: if it's not a fatal wound you're perfectly fine, unless (a) you're Khal Drogo or (b) you've

I see what you did there.