Joel Pons

You say retina grade like it's an actual measurement and not a made up marketing gimmick.

That will never happen.

Eat my parrot

Better be a dick than a pussy, because that means I get to go inside you.

Wait so you read. "That in the end" and just keep reading? Dont be an idiot.

I dont like that at the end they travel back in time. It kind of ruins the film. It turns into a sci fi film.

I think that Ubuntu is heading in that direction now with the Ubuntu OS for mobile and their one OS approach.

Everyone will, eventually.

What if they let it run Android apps? Would that increase the value proposition?

The price killed it.

You mean Dreamcast, I'm sure.

I was beaten soundly every other day. I'm not even kidding.

Yep, that's how you raised a self entitled douchebag.


I think he just cocked his head back out of self preservation, no one wants to get kicked in the face. Besides he kept playing, a serious flop would've been writhing on the floor hands on his face.


I tried but I couldn't find the drivers.

I'm still trying to root my Nexus 4 :(

Our tax dollars at work.

I thought the retina Macbook Pro 13 was unusable.