Joel Pons


Oh he was definitely sleeping with her.

I have no problems with it. If you're bothered by it then obviously something wrong with you. Supported by the fact that you're falling on your as defending am obviously incorrect point of view. It's easy for you to contact the artist to confirm but you don't because you know the truth and refuse to believe it.

Do not worry it won't. I hope you can find inner peace at some point.

I will pray for you.

You must be really lonely.

No. You are wrong. What you are proposing is so out of the margin of reality that if you truly believe this you must seek mental health care. I feel sorry for you and the people who have to put up with you. You are truly a miserable human being.

It is not subjective, it's absolutely empirical. You are wrong. Email him yourself.

The artist confirmed it's Marceline.

There's no room for debate. I will contact the artist.

But it's wrong.

Like iMessage

They will give you like 3 rounds, then it's all running and points. Mayweather wins the decision.

What if I take out the SIM?

Why would you need to drain the phone rapidly? Just take the SIM card out.

Nintendo would make more money if they became a third party publisher.

Why wasn't this invented before?

Definitely making up for something, he probably beats her.

The new season. Because they couldn't film together they separated the stories. Which removed the best part of the show, which was the family interaction.

I'm at a similar point. I sacrificed everything for the sake of my career and I really don't feel like qualifying myself to someone and have to "win them over". I just can't do it. I don't feel like playing games.