Captain Assholay

One blog commenter I know went from literally wanting to duel liberals to defend Palin's honor (this was when everybody was making fun of her for quitting the governorship) to saying that Palin shouldn't be anywhere but on reality TV, as—shock of all shockers—she's only in it for herself and doesn't care about "core

They're gonna make a movie about my favorite EPMD song? Dope!

Yeah, definitely Daisy. She was hot enough to make me try to watch MTV Internacional.

It's not effective as an insult, but it's incredibly effective as an idiot alarm.

I would also like to express my fondness for that particular Pumpkins.

That's fucking great.

In addition to the obvious reasons to be a fan of this guy, I'm a fan because he went to UNCG, making him the only at-all-famous person my alma mater has produced. Woooooo!

Come on, now. They're ugly, but they aren't Kanye-ugly.

I like that idea. I also hate making Christmas lists. If only everything else could be this easy.

I have no idea if this is real or not, but either way, it sounds fuckin' amazing.

You can't just choke all your problems away.

Jebus. I feel bad if poor planning on my part means things get pushed, like, 20-30 minutes.

I think the true endgame is the fictional snack food "Feedbags" from the delightful David Faustino/Corin Nemec romp Killer Bud.

OK, but you're still adding stuff to the script that simply isn't there. Frank's idea of labor organizing is getting more work for his union members so that they all work more days and make more money, and so that his union can grow instead of shrink. That in part requires dredging the shipping canal so that bigger

I dunno…I think you're reading stuff into the show that isn't actually there. What did the character Frank Sobotka say or do to indicate that he was part of a labor breaking movement that wanted to purge opponents? If anything, he was the opposite. Frank fears direct court administration and all that because it will

I loved Levy trying to shame Omar and Omar just nodding along like, "yeah…that's what I do, alright. Am I supposed to give a fuck or something?"

Motherfucking Too Cool was over as hell. How ridiculous is that?

I'm confused about your criticism of the portrayal of unions on the second season of The Wire (full disclosure: my favorite season of probably my favorite show). In particular, that you say it pretends that there was never such a thing of a McCarthyite purge of the unions. That's something that's always looming and,

"Fuckin' Yankee Pride at now? Fuckin' bitches."

You put your finger on what kinda bothered me about BB. I mean, I loved the show, but it lost a little bit to me when it went all MacGuyver in the later seasons. I also realized in retrospect that Gus was more interesting to me when he was a dude who had some fast-food restaurants and hustled meth on the side than he