Captain Assbag


Nate’s whole thing is that emotionally over-invested partisans (non-sociopaths) continually read too much into every little event, aided by narrative-driven media members.

Meanwhile Curt Schilling is over on Fox News blaming Obama, saying this tragedy never would’ve happened had Obama closed the borders to illegal immigrants like he should’ve.

That’s a pretty optimistic injury outlook, ESPN.

This reply though...

I put this tweet through the Bullshit Translator and got this:

Marshawn followed up the discussion of Kaepernick by asking where he could get some of those skittles that Donald Trump Jr. was tweeting about.

Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?

Holy shit, Tony Dorsett has really hit bottom!

TBH it kinds looks like that woman who fell at the beginning was just drunk as hell.

The principal of the school has good principles, unlike @jgarner63077.

‘Global warming is under serious debate with many “real” scientists reversing their claims’