Captain Assbag

Honestly, I may not be a huge fan of his but after last week’s gas attack... this was probably a good move. It shows strength at a time that most nations are probably questioning whether this administration will be a complete pushover with a big mouth.

The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

Alternative facts

he decided to go for a walk in the woods near his hotel to kill time.

This alleged new type of Mexicans wouldn’t pull this if we had a wall.

“he was always going to be a tricky HoF case because he didn’t really get his career going until age 25, and spent more than 5 seasons either partially or completely injured. “

That’s like me going in there and saying, ‘Hey, you did something on your paperwork wrong.’

Whatever you need to tell yourself, man.

A check like the electoral college, you mean?

No, the whole point of the electoral college is to prevent a fascist from becoming President, so it’s their fucking moral duty not to vote for him.

Technically it happened it 1836.

The will of the people is the popular vote. The electoral college is specifically spurning the will of the people by voting for Trump.

...538 people conspiring together to decide the president is about as un-democratic an electoral process as one could imagine. 

But that’s the system.

If he were a good Christian he would have been found alive inside a boulder.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

That’s cold, they wouldn’t even consider every other wednesday?

This has to be the first time I’ve heard Chicago referenced as a Rust Belt city.