Get Amunet over onto Legends of Tomorrow where she belongs!
Get Amunet over onto Legends of Tomorrow where she belongs!
It’s 2018, I think we all do. And, as a fellow sufferer, appreciate his honesty.
Yeah, people are way too on Kara’s side about that. “Look, some genocidal asshole from your home tries to destroy the Earth once or twice a year, so forgive me for keeping a small batch of literally the only substance that can stop that from happening, you fascist. I’m allergic to peanuts, but I just lay off the…
Yeah, I was half expecting Lena to respond ~“ok, KARA” after Supergirl declined to identify herself.
Add me to #LenaKnows. That moment where she challenged Supergirl to reveal her real name was a nice shock.
Are you familiar with pro wrestling at all? Have you noticed how fans can get personally invested in predetermined storylines that frequently reverse themselves by the next time Wrestlemania comes around?
You said Oliver lied and said “That the tax bill didn’t include a minimum tax on foreign earnings (it did, 13.125%, jumping to 16.4% in 2026).”
I believe that sentence is what is know as a joke. Now you are the one who is being annihilated.
I took the comment to be tongue-in-cheek.
Sarcasm is complicated.
Yeah I keep mixing them up. Too many jimmies.
*Fallon. Not kimmel
Am I missing the joke? Or did you mean to write Jimmy Fallon (who portrayed Kushner)?
Because of suspension of disbelief. I can pretend that a movie is not just a bunch of actors playing make belief and invest in the characters and stories as if they’re real. Not worrying about sequels or how they’ll bring characters back is just one tiny step further than what everyone is already doing in order to…
Specifically, the parts where he says “This is America”.
You wrote this response to someone on the Dennis Miller article:
President Obama had the only take on Kanye that matters
Barry is fine. It’s Other Barry I can’t stand.
It’s very funny to me that he’s better integrated into the cast as a talking macaw than he ever was as a human man