Captain Americat

Not at all sure how you say this lacks of the precision of a game like Witcher 3... I found the camera clunky for the first fight against the giant. After that it was as smooth as butter. I am not a Dark Souls person so I can’t comment on that... but Monster Hunter’s opening sequence bored me to death (the first giant

I found the combat more enjoyable in this then any of the prior GoWs.

Interesting, I read the entire scene as more of a read on Not-Laurel than Dias. From the get-go we were introduced to the crux of his being - revenge, and not being able to unseat his “superior”. The fact that he took it to such literal means with his old bully AND the “Quadrant” (who we have never heard of, and I

Yeah... the FBI is not saintly organization and I have many issues with it... (like I do the mainstream media’s desire for higher and higher ratings/i.e. $$$$) but at the same time, attacking them NOW... does not serve our best interests. Instead, acknowledge their past and work to change the future by aiding and

logic dictates that supernatural events don’t happen so his logic was moot.

Imperial science experiment on mind control goes wrong... inadvertently gives patient zero the ability to control people after touching them (either himself or with others) and seeks vengeance... the movie follows the Stormtrooper squad from vader’s elite 501st to go in and clean house. What follows is a mix between

So a murder conspiracy theory pandered by the alt right equals a terrible misogynistic comedy show? FUCK you.

If they use the Silmarillion it’d be closer to GoT if only because half the “good” guys are actually assholes in disguise/training. It’s less Good vs Evil, and more about what fighting means period. Lots of good guys become evil, lots of good guys fighting other good guys... lots of misunderstandings... god I’d love a

I imagine Fillory is currently magic-less still... which is “okay” because people are still “high” off of Julia’s tree spell, peace between all the factions is in progress, no more elven mischief to worry about, the voters just had an election... so it looks like things will hold on as is... until the next season

Be like a tree, and leaf cause Vinny wasn’t the reason why Groot was successful and you know it.

This show, in less than one season, has managed to do what LoT has in several... and Arrow and Flash tried (but failed) to do in many... it created a team, it gave us a reason to care about the team, and it gave each of the team members their own lives, powers, morals and motives. While Flash and Arrow have tried to

Anyone else feel like Legion feels like a 2 hour show because they hit you with SO MUCH INFORMATION, RED HERRINGS, and MORE! I love it... after 20 minutes I hit pause and looked at the clock... I felt like an hours worth of plot had gone by... so many scenes... so many meanings. sooo much possibility.

Only the one of the three? I see you believing the devil’s lies again.

She can be both.

There are a few things ... not necessarily off due to accent but sound volume. I highly recommend watching the episodes a second time with CC on.

Just FYI surgeons as a profession were not highly regarded. They were the “man-butchers” of their time as I discovered - I’m a history major and have always been fascinated by the time period. Essentially people gave them the same sort of thrift that they’d give a witch-doctor, or really... a barber. As in they are

Barista-bad dialogue and plotting made the first season intolerable. It wasn’t even a guilty pleasure watch... I would never have watched it if I hadn’t been dedicated to give shows a full season if I can (AoS taught me that) Season 2 started off as a guilty pleasure and became fantastic.

fuck, i am worse off for having read this article. poor god damn writers that actually follow that... its bad enough visiting breitbart 4-5 times a year to see how the hivemind reacts to some trump issue... to see the hivemind central brain stem in action is something no one should have to witness.

They are literally working out of fascist playbooks on how to undermine confidence. First... they got people during the Obama years to not involve themselves, enabling a GOP resurgence of unexpected vigor. Then they took accurate, and real concerns regarding the media and twisted them so that it became easy to ignore

Problem with Hillary is threefold.