
Healthy cooked food. It is all well and good to promote cheaper, and healthier, homemade food. I can eat amazingly cheap buying dried grains, beans and veg.... but I have gas running to my stove and electricity to my fridge in my functioning kitchen and a short enough commute that I can get home after my only job in


Those goddamned Thetans are up to it again, aren't they?

I dunno... I really *want* to like it, but nothing about it jumps out at me. Maybe I'll change my mind after Chris Harris jumps in and wrestles it around a track while telling me how brilliant it drives, but just looking at it I'm whelmed at best. It just doesn't seem special at all, especially with a $150k

no seats with pseudo helicopter controls? fail!

I am absolutely stupefied! In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned it would look like this. I LOVE IT!

True. A nude Scot would be fish-belly white.

You crack me up!

OR...she could have been nervous and awkward like every thirteen year old ever, especially those with cameras on them.

I will just leave this here

Love your opening Matt Hardigree ! LOL

Because nobody learned anything from that Nissan Murano convertible thingy disaster? Because we needed a WORSE car to lose in a divorce than a 1987 Maserati bi-turbo?

I know, it's really sad, I think it's because the different way the car apexes that makes it a susceptible thing to collisions.

Seems like every article I see about the DeltaWing involves an accident.

I was unaware Bockscar was at the Dayton museum. I remember the feeling that came over me when I realized what I was looking at. I had to sit down. I think it belongs in its own room with a strictly enforced policy of silence.

I love how old planes look smooth and shiny from 100ft away, but when you get up close it looks like someone has been beating the shit out of them with a golf club.

Just use a neighbors. Don't even need to tell them, they'll thank you after it looks gorgeous. And if not, just don't ever tell them.

Jesus Christ.

With a name like "Tommy Craggs," his true calling was to play bass in a hair metal band.

If i'm already able to navigate to my fuse box, why would I need a flashlight when I get there?