
I also like the “it’s gotten very quiet in here” line. Calling out the cowardice of Hollywood.

Susan’s good people. I don’t agree with her about everything (including her fervent Ride or Die support of Bernie), but I always try to remember that we agree about more than we disagree and so I’m very glad she exists and is active in the world.

This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public

Yeah, her fervent enthusiasm for Bernie can be a bit off-putting but here’s a woman who is not afraid to say what she thinks. And I have nothing but respect for that.

Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.

While the botched executions with questionable drugs are tragic, everyone needs to realize that so-called ‘legitimate’ execution drugs weren’t much better. There was never any specific or coherent science behind them, they were just someone’s best guess and it ended up being adopted almost fait accompli. While the

Wow, she really is entering her Miss Havesham phase, isn’t she? “Look here, Pip: these low-cut Frankie B jeans accompanied me to many a society soirée in days gone by. I was the toast of the ball. Everyone envied me. I danced and danced. I looked so pretty in them. Here! Here’s a photo of me. Do you think I look

No no no, he’s just the living embodiment of hate.

“She is the living embodiment of everything people hate about politics.”

This is bullshit of the highest order. Kanye is the Taylorest Swiftiest in the universe and he made that bitch famous and he invented leather jogging pants! Where my damn croissant!!!

Some people are going to rage about this, but this is kind of a point that needs to be made. All this overheated anti-abortion rhetoric absolutely has the potential to inspire unbalanced nutjobs like Dear. The anti-choice movement needs to stop behaving like it doesn’t, and that it isn’t responsible for what happens.

Not competent to stand trial but purchasing an AK-47 and a pile of other guns - A-OK!

The irony is that she almost never raises her voice, EVER, because she’s gotten this “yelling” criticism every time she talks.

I’m sorry, but did Hillary Clinton cheat? Was she accused of domestic violence?

Bill is responsible for his dick. Not Hillary.

I know I’m bringing logic to a crazy fight here, but...shouldn’t conservatives approve of Hillary standing by Bill? Something something sanctity of marriage? Yes?

Honestly, I think my family topped even Kanye’s Mother’s Day.

I always knew god hated socialists.

He LITERALLY asked himself “What Would Jesus Do?”and came up with “leave a woman with a handicap placard on the side of the road, despite it actually being my job to assist her, and actually arriving in a tow truck at that very moment.”
Christianity just isn’t what it used to be. That, or it’s a good thing I’m not