
This self esteem thing is getting out of hand. I have two daughters in their mid-20s who respond the same way to seeing other people’s successes or talents on display. They can’t simply enjoy it, be happy for that person, or be inspired or motivated. Instead, they are sent into a painful, damaging downward spiral of

I thought she was going to bring out Gabrielle Douglas

Are you kidding? I’d do it for free, take pictures, save the stained dress, and sell all the evidence to the highest bidder the week after the nominating convention.

For most sex scandals involving politicians, I think, “yeah, maybe, probably” but this? I don’t want to believe so many people are willing to do this. I can hardly believe Heidi can do this.

That see through corset is the worst. ._.

But I can definitely see Ted Cruz being the guy who thinks he’s so smart he has covered his tracks perfectly.

I’m of two minds about this rumor: 1) yeah, maybe that's why Kasich has weirdly stayed in the race, he knew something was going to blow. 2) No way, no one would run for President with this kind of baggage in his past; in the age of the Internet, everything eventually comes out. So, time will tell.

Say Yes to Distress

I refuse to believe that Ted Cruz has found 6 women to voluntarily have sex with him.

I have four parents (divorce + remarriage = 4 parents) who are teachers, I feel this so much. I spent so many weekends at school with them because my parents needed to go in and do something, grade, lesson plans, lab prep, school plays, sports coaching, concerts, etc and there wasn’t childcare on the weekend. I

One of my uncles brought up the ‘animals aren’t gay’ argument and I responded with ‘and people don’t eat their young’.

Look, I’m really sorry. I don’t know how she got out. I’ll have someone look at the fence first thing tomorrow.

Plus, when they try to make those comparisons, they’re usually wrong. Animals change gender. They go about in a completely different fashion but it happens. I learned that in Jurassic Park when I was five.
See Also: Animals don’t engage in homosexuality.


I wish these people would stop it with the fake concern for teh childrenz already. There is nothing stopping anyone from entering a restroom and sexually/physically assaulting someone, whether or not they are in a restroom that corresponds with their sex. Just admit that the mere existence of trans people bothers you

When a friend of mine divorced her emotionally abusive husband, so.many.people. told me she was selfish & a shitty mom for leaving a man who was rich and owned a house in Brentwood! You know, because divorce is terrible but leaving a rich man is especially terrible.

Yeah, really. People are fucking stupid.

It’s not just the crazy-fundie-types that believe that though. You’d be surprised how many not-overly-religious people I know didn’t think I should have divorced the guy who used to choke me when he got pissed off. Because you know, you shouldn’t just GIVE UP, it’s MARRIAGE!

The crossword gags were the funniest part.

I enjoy this format for Midweek Madness, but I miss the crossword gags. Not that my opinion is earth-shatteringly important.