
Is anyone surprised? North Korea’s game has always been to start appearing like they want to be good, and then increase the aggression. The only difference here so far was that the US was playing the same game, but that never meant the outcome would change...

I just don’t understand why we can’t seem to get a permit system for having a gun. There’s a permit system for driving a car, and no one aside from some weird sovereign citizens considers it a limitation on their freedom to move around. Car manufacturers don’t lobby against driving licenses in fear of selling fewer

It’s not even the greatest witch hunt of the 21st century, let alone all of history.

She’s proudly atheist? I’m glad to hear that, but a little surprised it didn’t make the Queen veto the wedding, considering the whole Church of England thing...

Looking at the audience in that show also reminds you of how much Eurovision has changed in the past 20 years. People wore tuxedoes and evening gowns!!!!

I’m so glad you went, and I’m so sad you didn’t liveblog it.

If there ever was an actor that had almost nothing in common with the characters he played, it must be him. Both Sam Seaborn and Chris Traeger would be ashamed of him.

If she truly, truly doesn’t recall (I know, it’s BS)... do we really want someone with major memory problems at the head of the CIA?

I’m looking forward to hearing why this is all Hillary’s fault.

Nope nope nope. The many non-US countries that still support the deal and don’t pull out of international agreements to play political gotcha don’t deserve that.

I used to think Maureen Dowd was an insightful and edgy person. We have have dark marks in our past.

Did it work? Because last week my nephew started crying that he didn’t have enough LEGO, while sitting in the living room surrounded by LEGO, and level-headed reasoning didn’t quite go the way I hoped it would...

I also blame Trump for the whole “pretend you’ve got money and success, until somehow one day it materializes.” 

And at the same time, support a man who beat two wives.

Scott Pruitt, because life is a nightmare and everything is terrible.

Hubris. They are so used to coasting on privilege, it never occured to them they might face “consequences” one day.

I thought he would walk. I’d like to think it’s a sign things are changing, but the cynical side of me is all “if he’d been white, he would have walked.”

... and still bring in $23 million a year. Any boss would understand. This is a normal thing that could happen to anyone.

Naaa, “Trump is a dangerous idiot” is a world wide meme that has crossed all borders. The only ones who don’t think he’s insane is far right racists. She’s either absolutely supremely uninformed (and she should have opted out of the question) or she just outed herself as racist.

The “oops, sorry, I’m a foreigner” excuse really doesn’t fly Shania. The entire world knows Trump is a dangerous racist idiot.