How did I miss that when it happened???
How did I miss that when it happened???
Man aren’t difficult, they are “demanding” and “perfectionists”.
Bobby, whatever happened to Megyn Kelly Today, Today? I haven’t seen your amazing recaps for a while. How else am I going to know what she’s doing, it’s not like I’m going to start *watching the show*...
Kamala Harris is a solid choice. She’s smart, qualified, experienced, inspirational and she’s not bland.
Someone GOP flunky put that list together, making sure to leave out the Democrats and the moderate Republican, and they handed it to him before he went on stage and said “Here, read these names off”
I’m convinced Tiffany is just staying silent until Daddy is done paying for university, and will then promptly find herself a rich husband and cut ties with the rest of them.
Or better, nothing disposable at all. You can have your coffee on the premisces in a simple mug, or you can take it away in your own reusable cup. Nothing that gets thrown away after 10 minutes of use.
What about VP? The theory often is that you pick as VP someone who is going to bring to the table what you’re missing - and a lot of the Dem names floated around for 2020 lack charisma and a big brand. She has both.
France Gall didn’t sing “Comme d’habitude”, Claude François did. She was its inspiration as it’s a very depressing break-up song and her and François used to be a thing.
I’ve been desperately looking for fanfiction in which Leslie Knope defeats Trump in 2020. I need to read this to survive.
That’s crazy and disgusting. Do we not think murder is a major crime anymore? Why is she not getting more time for this?
Megan is absolutely going to be the cool aunt from now on. Sorry Pippa, you’re not nearly this interesting.
I never watch videos either! Or listen to the podcasts. i genuinely njoy readong, and there is something more snackable about it. If I start a podcast, I’m making a commitment. An article, I can drop and come back to later if my boss is hovering over my shoulder.
Same. I’ll always see her as Veronica, and therefore I’ll never stop loving her.
I’m both amazed and suspicious that none of the models he’s dated has ever come forward with a tell-all of some kind. Do you think he makes them sign NDAs when they start dating?
Exactly. I don’t think women who hush things aren’t blame-less, but I believe is attacking the root of the problem - if people did not harass and rape others, there would be nothing to hush.
Yet the equally under-educated women working there are having no problems behaving properly.
How about both are equally bad?
Even if she knew, this is a classic moment of holding a woman more accountable for a man’s action than the man who *actually* did the thing. Where are the posters defaming Weinstein?
I need to know Bobby’s opinion too.