What was God’s message with that turtle-shapped cloud I saw the other day?
What was God’s message with that turtle-shapped cloud I saw the other day?
I went up a cup size when I was 21, out of nowhere. Never understood how it happened, I didn’t get curvier anywhere else, and defnitely could not afford plastic surgery.
I’m a Juliette. Nothing to do at all with Shakespeare either, and I’ve spent my life correcting people on that.
Montana Chrysler Something?
I live in Denmark.
But... tariffs on imports means prices for goods imported from Mexico would rise in the US. US consumers would be the ones paying extra, so US consumers, not Mexicans, would pay for the wall.
I’m just hoping a coffee table book of these is released after the election. 10/10 would buy, and also give away to friends as Christmas presents.
So, did they also spot a ROUS next to the rattlesnakes and bears?
He’s actually older than the other two...
Imagine being the third Hemsworth brother.
She’s only smiling/laughing because there is a very real possibility he’s a crazy stalker, and women know that rejecting men outright is sometimes deadly.
NOW is the moment to build that wall.
See you at Burning Man
like, life is so short, why would you waste your time listening to taylor perry. isn’t that a singer? i’m not sure, i don’t really pay attention to that stuff.
wow you’re so interesting
I mean, Reality TV worked for Trump, so maybe he sees this as his last chance to become President?
You forgot “tremendous”. He loves that word. It’s the only 3 syllable word he seems to use. It’s the best word.
It absolutely blew my mind the first time I read about it. I wish it were more widely publicized, maybe more would be done about the situation in Flint etc then.
I freaked out on my last business trip. I think it may have been because it was the first time I left my new house for more than a couple days. Is there something in your home environment that has changed that could unconsciously be making you nervous?
Doesn’t everyone in LA know who everyone else is?