Captain Impulse

YES! I have been waiting for someone to make “The Night The Reindeer Died” for a long time! Violent Night was close, but...we can do better!

It would really be nice if you’d fucking stop spoiling things in article titles. Thanks.

Supposedly that particular model of snowplow has been known to slip out of gear and roll unexpectedly.

If stupidity were criminal, this man would never see daylight again.

That’s one of the healthiest ways to deal with an ex who’s moved on with a 21-year-old.”

These are my thoughts as well. When the author finishes, there will undoubtedly be some sort of sequel (mini)series.

I’m starting to wonder if Sands just got sick of constant storm after storm, and decided to use his Warlock powers to do something about it.

I’m glad Gizmodo correctly described Outlander as being concluded with season 8, instead of “cancelled”, as some other sites have done.

It must suck, being lambasted for having an opinion.

George Santos Denies Performing in Drag, Stealing From Veteran’s Dying Dog”

George Santos Denies Performing in Drag, Stealing From Veteran’s Dying Dog”

I bet the layoffs Sting even more, after hearing about this.

Hiking in a storm seems like a bad idea, regardless of whether or not you have Warlock powers.

I’m sure *this* will help alleviate the current supply chain issues. Thanks, California!

Who cares what this human marshmallow has to say? Burn his sign and put his feet to the fire.

I could go for a stroopwafel right now.

Next article: Remembering the stars we’re about to lose in 2024.”

18 days in, and we’re doing this? This is beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel. You’ve gone and scraped through the bottom, and dug yourself into a six foot grave. You should be fucking embarrassed by this attempt at “journalism” for (apparently, rage) clicks.

Abandoning Cavill was a mistake that, apparently, only time will tell.

How much skin-tight blackleather is involved, Jameela? Asking for a friend.