Takei: “Except for one, who was a prima donna.”
Takei: “He’s just a cantankerous old man...”
Takei: <never shuts up about Shatner>
Takei: “Except for one, who was a prima donna.”
Takei: “He’s just a cantankerous old man...”
Takei: <never shuts up about Shatner>
Finally, something to pair with my Clam-o-naise!
Fuck Qatar.
...and yet, the internet hype machine, which posited this show would be the greatest thing since Christina Ricci got her tits out in whatever-movie-that-was, let us down once more...and nothing will be learned from this.
Knives Out was a contrived, convoluted mess, full of so many absurd twists and betrayals that it cheapened the movie. I started out loving it, and by the end, I was so frustrated and disappointed, I’d lost almost all interest. Ana de Armas’ performance was one of the few aspects that salvaged it. Let’s hope Glass…
Careful, Martha...you wouldn’t want to make Snoop Dogg jealous!
He must have forgot he said it.
You’re right. Homelander it is, then!
Don’t worry: he’ll get the role when the anti-vaxxer dies from a preventable infection.
What a coincidence! I don’t care about his politics, and I don’t care that he doesn’t care if I care.
That Graham Cracker is a pathetic, hypocritical bootlicker who needs to keep his mouth shut.
Put down your goddamn phones and intervene, you cowards.
Just looking at those peanuts makes me feel ill.
“Sam’s Club Topples Costco in the Hot Dog Wars”
“...he maintains DNA evidence would exonerate him.”
Hold on...are you saying a *rapper* was arrested for a violent offense? Color me shocked.
Anticipating an upcoming announcement that Mariah now styles herself as “The Christmas Empress.” Calling it now.
“Drake, Adult Man...”
I can’t believe anyone can look at the state of the world and be surprised that it’s not an issue. Have you seen how people vote (and not just here in the US)?