
Good analogy.

Public (or more accurately, uncontrolled) airspace begins at ground level and, depending on where you are in the world, goes up to the first bit of controlled airspace, or the limit of class G airspace. This is usually 700' agl in the States.

Yo dawg, we heard you like carbs so we put some carbs in the carb...

He was able to stop with several feet to spare in a situation where coming to a complete stop was entirely unexpected. That’s why it’s not tailgating.

And taxis should just deregulate to be like Uber. Have unscreened drivers, uninsured drivers, drunk or drugged drivers, drivers without commercial license, and questionably maintained vehicles to transport your dear family.

Taxi cab companies should have innovated and created an app just like uber instead of price gouging and doing nothing

Good question. But the cab drivers still have to follow them at this time- so Uber is getting a huge advantage right now. It’s understandable they’re a bit upset.

The issue is less of innovation and more of regulation. As stated in the article, taxi companies are heavy regulated to the point of thin margins for the operators. It's hard to innovate when the government tells you what car to have, what color it has to be, how much you can charge, etc. However, Uber drivers face no

Nope. The Volt is the 50-mile sedan with the integrated genset.

Hey look, a Sexual Dimorphism denier!


Of course planes are tough and built to a standard surpassing that of cars. What I meant is that if a plane comes down a touch too roughly or too fast, will could to swiss cheese quite quickly and it’s up to the pilot to make sure the fuselage doesn’t break apart like it did in the video.

I’m extremely surprised that

It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to just assume a Chinese-made product will catch on fire as a matter of course, while most likely using a goddamn Chinese-made product to submit said comment.


Stupid people going to stupid. They don’t think it be like it is but it do.

Do you have any constructive feedback?

$700,000 cheap!

My wife is the used car queen, “why would I buy new what I can get at 60% slightly used?” We have found vehicles that are 12 or 18 months old that have low miles that we pick up at great prices. He current Soul was a repo that was in stunning shape, her mom’s car we purchased was 2 years old and only had 14k miles and