
And the boy was definitely portrayed and the weaker, whinier of the two, he even pukes in the car! And how the whole point of the movie is just because the idea came from a rich old white guy with unlimited resources to make it happen doesn’t mean it’s a good one!

If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.

I don’t care what anyone says, this game will at least have one buyer and it will be me because I have liked this scum series since I was tiny eight year old me and didn’t understand the meaning of what makes a good game. NO SENSE STOPPING THAT TRAIN NOW.

Can the internet stop its irrational hatred of him now?

This is so fucking disgusting. I don’t know what I want more, for Trump to actually get locked up for his blatant crimes or for him to rage stroke out and end the suspense.

I’d ask why you would want to cock a fairy but I have a feeling that’s a set of articles and a bunch of images I’d be better off not knowing about.

He doesn’t even want to be friends with the people who didn’t vote for him here in this country, but he’s reaching out to every dictator and despot the world over. lol

I’m gonna that asshole - your joke doesn’t work. Yes, you roll a saving throw with a D20 die, but you add your saving throw bonus to it. So 21 /is/ possible.

Porn is bad kids.

crap - I missed a “dying from embarrassment” joke

I will never tire of lego pirate ships. Each one is like a faberge egg to me.

Rey was clearly skilled in hand to hand combat and melee weapons. Kylo Ren was struck in the side by a bowcaster and had just finished a fight against Finn. She’s also clearly very force sensitive and powerful.

I have decoded it!

From a hiring manager’s perspective, if you won’t tell me your current salary, we’re done. It’s not because I want to low ball you. It’s because I don’t want to waste your time.

Imagine the most elegant of dinner parties.

This special was on the lower end of the Christmas episodes for me; I found the love story to be incredibly artificial, and the story never explains WHY it’s so important for Grant to hide his secret identity from Lucy (and sure enough, once the secret’s out, there are no negative consequences.) Add in some boring

I realize this is cruel, but I do wish that the truck that ran over her conscience had done more damage.

Think about it this way. If you wanted to absolutely not build functional nukes (or anything else), then Rick’s a pretty decent choice.

I think we have a new candidate for the worst edited/constructed youtube video in history