
Damn, Supes got some CAKES

Purchased! I can’t imagine this was the intended promotion, but Amazon is pretty good about honoring price mistakes. $14 is a steal!

Purchased! I can’t imagine this was the intended promotion, but Amazon is pretty good about honoring price mistakes.

50 women picked up gargabe out of a river, read the romantic note attached, and thought, “Yeah this doesn’t sound like it’s gonna get me murdered, let’s go for it!”

Now playing

I always loved this particular cover of “This Charming Man”:

My larger point here is that all I want for Jurassic World 2 is for Chris Pratt to be eaten within the first ten minutes and for Bryce Dallas Howard to take the reins while Jeff Goldblum runs around in heels without his shirt on.

“Just give it seven seconds” is also the name of my sex tape!

Aaaaand now I’m back to craving some more Splinter Cell. Blacklist felt like a good balance of gameplay, and the pure stealth runs had a good Chaos Theory feel to it, but we just need one more outing with Ironside.

I’m not usually into speed running but holy hell is Superhot VR a blast to speed run. It’s also a great workout!

Trump is just trying his best

Man, I remember playing so much of the original flash version of N back in middle school. I spent way too much time on the old Metanet forums.

Reminds me of this old Sony ad:

That pikachu looks like a robo-pikachu built by team rocket for some dumb elaborate scheme to swap him out for the real one so ash “never notices.”

Streaming has completely stopped my pirating. These days if I can’t find it on Hulu, Netflix, or amazon video, I won’t bother. Mostly because there’s a massive surplus of good tv out right now and I can’t watch it all, but also because it’s only slightly more convenient than pirating. Same went for music and Spotify.

We need to make a parody video of this PSA but it’s a series of shots of people being outraged about Trumps latest tweets and at the end it’s “While you were busy paying attention to the latest twitter outrage, Trump was in the background getting away with shady shit” and you see him in the background shredding his

Now playing

I’d prefer a big yellow joint lego set

Oooh, these will work perfect for my Stranger Things themed Halloween party!

Oooh, these will work perfect for my Stranger Things themed Halloween party!

We had a Rod of Wonder (rolling from the wonderful list of 10,000 random magical effects), and managed to craft a Wand of Foxes. Each use produced 10+1d30 foxes in the area directly in front of the wand. Shortly after receiving the item we found ourselves stuck at a locked door. Being the rogue, I took the wand,

Playing Vampire the Masquerade, and we were all frozen in time because a party member had betrayed us to kidnap another party member. The evil vampire that time-stopped us left, and ANOTHER player decided to betray us while we were frozen (he was immune to the spell). Instead of just killing us while we couldn’t act,