
Doctor Who, hell yeah! I got an 11th Doctor shirt from tee fury, a TARDIS journal, and a very nice bow-tie. I'm using an Amazon gift card to buy the 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver, which I plan on using to install a TV-b-gone, so I can turn TVs on and off at my amusement

So, if anyone wants to send 60 bucks my way I totally wouldn't be opposed to such a kind donation...

Hey everyone, knock it off with the fat jokes.

Well when you're dealing with the mob I don't think that's an issue.

I did say "kick" and not "punch," so it's still not out of reason. Of course this will still only work with cheaper coffins.

Thankfully for you coffins are relatively easy to get out of. What you need to do is kick at the lid of the coffin until it breaks and soil starts to dump in. Then, pull your shirt over your head and tie the top (so you can breath while climbing out of the dirt), and position yourself to get out of the hole you

So that must mean there are clues to Half-Life 3 hidden all over the place right now, yeah?

Star Wars - Samurai Jack crossover PLEEEAAAASSEEEE

"This sort of social segregation is why things such as prejudice still exist."

The only thing I could think of was that billions of years prior a planet collided with a larger one, and just kind of stuck. Though I doubt that an atmosphere would form around both objects like that and the smaller planet probably wouldn't be holding water like that. In reality it would probably just be one large

"Mostly dead"

The weirdest video will not have arrived until someone recreates Flann O'Brian's "The Third Policeman"

Called it. (so it's not live-action but still)

"Since making a scene interesting is work, and since I'm naturally a minimalist, I tend to cut boring scenes. "

No, they don't have to be too linear, but this rule still applies to non-linear stories. Take 500 Days of Summer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, or any other great example of non-linear storytelling and you'll find that every scene and every action a character takes s a result of a previous action,

Oh, I completely agree. I didn't mean to imply that you *have* to show the scene where the character buys a new car; I simply meant that when a character does something, like purchasing a new car, it is not something completely out of the blue. Every action the character takes is a result of something that happened

"Well, why is this scene even here?"

Team Fortress 2.

"At the same time, the ultimate relationship is the connection that we have with the gamer. "