
Aerial strikes.... in a Splinter Cell game. Uuuugggghhhh

Stock photos are the biggest piece of bullshit, stock videos even more so. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pay a $300 for a three second video clip of water. The fuck is that about?

I'm sorry, but I hate it when guys talk about being "friendzoned," and my feelings certainly don't change when the tables are turned. Yeah, people who lead you on can be assholes, but sometimes that's just how people are. I know a girl who is just naturally flirty. She doesn't mean to lead guys on but it just happens.

"Buffy the Vampire Layer"

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Also, while "Far Away" is a great song, I think something a little more representative of the game's soundtrack should be in the mix tape. This song has a much better spaghetti western feel to it.

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Not a western by any means, but certainly sounds it.

This article is about the usage of insults within the gaming community, ergo it has a place on this site. Perhaps #kotakucore would be more to your liking?

"I was gonna go rub one out after I did my daily site rounds."

The difference being that real-world women have free will and are able to decide for themselves how they wish to dress, whereas video-game women are designed by people who usually only have sex-appeal in mind when creating female characters. The end results are usually one-dimensional females designed solely with tits

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Well for what it's worth I can move my ears around and wiggle them. I can also voluntarily wiggle my eyes really fast, as demonstrated in this video (not me in the vid, though). I can also wiggle my nose and flare my nostrils! TALENTS

Would've been funnier had they not have given it away in the title, but instead set it up as a surprise punch line.

Oh, wow, thanks!

Currently attempting to learn the ins and outs of Blender. If anyone has some crash-course or basic tutorials that might be of help feel free to link them!

All this discussion of "alpha" and "beta" males just makes me think of the terrible "nice guy" trend. A choice quote on that:

Well don't I feel silly. I spent the whole weekend seeing the thumbnail for this article thinking the ice cube was a toaster. I sort of just took it in stride until my curiosity got the best of me because I couldn't stop thinking why they were using a flaming toaster for the lead image...

Really? Sushi, feminine? The majority of the women I know in my life hate fish. I, however, could eat it all day.

If they ever made massacres in video games as close to reality as possible, it wouldn't be very fun. The reason we love running and gunning in these games is because of how silly and unrealistic it all is.

"Sure, it's fun to be nostalgic about the first beer you ever drank or whatever"