
I'll admit the raspy voice was a bit ridiculous, and I agree that Batman should be scary, not to mention completely insane (I enjoyed The Dark Knight Returns version of the Batman). However I think that Ledger's interpretation of the Joker was pretty amazing, and even if it is a bit of a different version of that from

While it's certainly possible, I would image it's not difficult to come up with a similar image independently without prior knowledge of this guys work.

The film or the comic? I've yet to see the film, but I loved the comic.

I feel you're just trolling here, but please explain why The Dark Knight blew.

Ugh, Watchmen was not a very good movie, at least in terms of how it was translated from the comic. The first time I watched the film I saw the 3+ hour "Ultimate Cut," which included a lot more than the theatrical release, and I was still disappointed. It would have at least been better to split it up into two films.

In terms of fast-food, I think the only thing that beats a Wendy's Frosty is a chocolate shake from Chick-fil-a. Man those things are good

I love Chainsawsuit!

You can't imagine how silly I felt when I too tried to eat that baby and my face just smacked against my laptop screen.

"You're right Doug, I wouldn't shoot an old friend."

While I definitely prefer Bane's current voice over the previous trailers for clarity's sake, there was still something awesome about how he sounded before WB forced the change.

Community's Ken Jeong was standing behind my friend and I while we were waiting in line for lunch at Disneyland and we got to talk with him for a bit! It was pretty exciting.

Does anyone ever think about how crazy it is that we consume other living things for energy? I mean our entire non-liquid diet consists of living things or by-products of them. Not to mention that these foodstuffs eventually integrate and become a part of you. Life, you so crazy!

I believe that in certain parts (or all) of Russia dash cams are a requirement on all vehicles for insurance purposes.

Great advice! I've always wanted to learn Krav-Maga, and though I've yet to take any classes in it I do know that one of the most important things they teach you is how to *avoid* a fight. And when you do actually learn the techniques, they're all centered around putting down your opponent as quickly as possible so

Now playing

Reminds me a bit of Burial. I never liked dubstep but I had enjoyed Burial for a while without even realizing it was dubstep. I'm a fan of trip-hop and downtempo stuff so I like it.

Thanks for the feeback, I appreciate your advice!

Unfortunately because of the three-minute constraint I had to cut some of the more clarifying material. I'll probably make a longer "directors cut" when I can but in the meantime I'll answer your questions:

As another aspiring director (/writer/cinematographer/editor) I feel the exact same way. Though if I get my way and can direct my own scripts I will likely avoid sex scenes, but that's mostly just cause I feel they're largely unnecessary.

I have the same issue with porn. Mainstream stuff is just such a turn off, with the jackhammer men and the choking women it's just so ugh. Now give me a couple who are really into each other with lots of kissing and rolling around and there aint' nothin' hotter 'n that! I'm not much of a guy for fetishes but I would

Unfortunately if they tell them to fuck off they lose the offices, the website, the branding, the bandwidth, etc. It's a necessary evil I'm afraid.