
While I have yet to read Old Man and the Sea, I have a lot of respect for Hemingway. The Sun Also Rises is one of my favourite books. As for the video, it was pretty cool, though the music didn't really suit it.

I honestly wouldn't doubt that. They wouldn't risk getting caught and going to jail and/or being deported. If I were in their position I would do the same: work hard and honest for cheap.

And as they say, you aren't a real woman unless you can pretend to actually listen to yourself!

... James Marsden? Clearly you must have received a different copy of the game because the protagonist's name is John Marston.

I thought the ending to Red Dead Redemption was perfectly fitting. I just absolutely hated playing as Jack. All I ask is for a cheat to let me play as John again

I had a bigger problem with the little bits of fire scattered around the ground in that level. You don't even have to zoom to see how they just flicker between two or three different sprites.

Well, the video does state it was taken from the demo, so it might be different in the retail version. I have yet to test this, however.

I'm going to send 400 cardboard cutouts of cupcakes to Bioware and demand they change it this instant!

Huh, I think Kotaku is shortening the link and messing it up. Try this: []

Oh, I don't think Bioware really intended for the indoctrination theory. That was more the result of a string of coincidences and a general disregard for established canon. I would have loved for Bioware to make a stronger ending based on everything that happened in the previous games. As it stands, however, the

I believe that Bioware pulled a Terry Gilliam without realizing it. The indoctrination theory is the only thing that makes everything in the ending make any sense.

Indeed! Loved the score for SC4

Comparing this to domestic violence is terrible, they aren't at all similar. Also, I do not condone death threats and wishing of poor sales. I do, however, condone sending them cupcakes as a way of expressing their dislike of the games ending without being horrible dicks about it.

"We rage because we love"

Haha, oh my, I really got a good laugh out of that!

Uuuuuuugggghhhh. This is the reason I hate hate hate exclusives! I want to play this so bad but I can't shell out the cash to get a PS3. *shakes fist* CORPORATE IDEOLOGIES!

While I totally agree that men shouldn't be all creepy when it comes to looking, this always gets a laugh out of me.

A fat joke a day keeps Episode 3 away