
You don’t feel “Stay home, be scared, click links, and hate Tesla” is quality content?

I haven’t been active on Facebook for years because I want quality content in my life not viral garbage, so I’m happy automakers are now coming around to this view.

Counterpoint: they make for the most beautiful of F-1 examples.

You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a

People can have strange reactions with new things.

Something seemed wrong about the previous story’s numbers, and indeed, now we know that it was wrong. I’m glad we’ve got a bit more context behind why.

Fires are one thing that worry me about EVs. Having one charging in my garage makes me nervous,

This is a very sad story. This lawsuit will be thrown out.

I think it’s most likely that MT simply got a favorable dyno measurement. Chassis dynos are notorious for being inconsistent and are best used as tools to measure power deltas. Not absolute values.

‘nuf said

Why are you surprised? Jalopnik has been bashing Tesla for the last 10+ years now. Do a search for the words Jalopnik, Tesla, and Vaporware and you’ll see what I mean.

(Former? Still work here but on different products now) spark plug engineer here: lol.

Technically these were problems caused by using two systems rather than simply not metric. The Mars Orbiter would have been just as fine if all of it had been programmed in Imperial as it would if it had all been programmed in metric, for instance. :P

Don’t forget NHRA Route 66 Nationals from one of the fastest tracks in the country, Route 66 Raceway in Joliet IL. TV Coverage is as follows:

I’m getting around that on 91 in my 2019 Si.

If you haven’t already, make plans to hit the Motorsports Reunion at Laguna Seca this year. The “featured marque” this year is a salute to fifty years of IMSA.

I really don’t get that. I mean, the Patriots suck, but...why are you rooting against an American company that’s building the first truly innovative cars in 50 years? And why does it make you happy to see them fail?

The irrational hatred of Tesla is one of those things I find deeply puzzling. There are perfectly

Radwood LA.

I’m sorry anyone that hates on this is just a bitter hack, it might not be your thing, fine but the skill, creativity and production values are all off the charts.