I thought he was great in Salvador and Once Upon a Time in America. But those are fairly Woods-ian roles, true.
I thought he was great in Salvador and Once Upon a Time in America. But those are fairly Woods-ian roles, true.
I have heard from someone who knows that Ed is not doing so well.
Re Dylann Roof: This is what I can’t understand. What the hell difference does it make to him, or any angry white man with guns, who has sex with whom?
+10 points for consistent Cabinet member verbiage.
Michelle’s words.
I attended the Lyric Opera’s opening night last night (I write reviews for a performance website, so it was for work). I haven’t been to an opening night there, and before the opera began, the orchestra played the national anthem. I was not aware that this was a thing, and maybe it was just for opening night, but I…
Instead of “Being whoever the hell she wants”, I read it as “Bang whoever the hell she wants”, and I completely concur.
What’s the typical Indian way?
I would love, love, LOVE a prequel so we could see how all three of the main characters got to where they did when the series began.
A friend has a humongous jade plant in her home that is nearing 40 years old. It’s gorgeous!
When I was in high school, I was at home and picked up the phone and heard my dad talking to a woman. Their conversation ended abruptly, and after that, I wondered for years who that woman was, and subsequently, if he ever cheated on my mom. Fast forward to about 18 months ago, when Jane, one of the neighborhood girls…
My Moonie is Judge Lionel Moonshadow MyLastName: Lionel after Lionel Hampton, and Moonshadow after a sweet departed kitty whose nickname was Misha Moonshadow. And Judge because I like imagining Moonie sitting at a judge’s bench, glaring at the court.
“I have sat in/been to more general auditions than I can count and it never fails that there are dozens of actresses all in for 1-3 female roles while you see some producer in the corner frantically on the phone trying to bribe dudes to come in because there are way more parts for men and never enough actors to…
I’m an actress-playwright-writer in Chicago, and I also write reviews for one of the performing arts websites. Without reiterating what’s already been said so well, I am so happy that these discussions and subsequent actions are happening.
I’m sorry it’s so tough for you. If it makes a tiny bit of difference, you’re far from alone. I worked for years at a great job where I became “the indispensable one”. Six years ago, due to some reorganizing management consulting bullshit, more than half the staff, including me, was let go over about six months. I’ve…
Some of the recent Presidential kids have attended Sidwell Friends Academy, which is a Quaker school. Maybe Barron will be lucky enough to attend school there.
Excellent point - I also feel that a tendency towards perfectionist behavior doesn’t help. I do my best to accept the fact that I’m going to make mistakes sometimes, but I hate the thought that I might do something to inadvertently or unintentionally hurt someone I care about.
Also: Does anyone else create…
THANK YOU. A relative who I’m in touch with only on Facebook happily laughed at and shared all the doctored photos of President Obama, and now has her panties all in a bunch at the “disrespect” in Kathy’s photo. I’m half tempted to remind her of this fact.