
The biggest problem with the Colts is Bruce Arians. His job standing in for Pagano when the later was being treated for Lukemia made Pagano look better than he was. “Chuck Strong” was a great rallying cry, but not a statement of coaching ability. A Bruce Arians led Colts team would be measurably better than what

If there’s one thing Irsay can handle, it’s a bunch of downers.

Jurruh would sign an ISIS rebel and give him a captain patch if he could play shutdown corner.

Jacksonville then trolled Ryan by stuffing a foot up Buffalo’s ass.

Peterson said he was from the “Skoal of Hard Knocks” during the taped lineup introductions.

I always knew Peterson was more of a Red Man than a Purple People Eater.

If you’re relying on a last-second scoring play to win, you didn’t win by outperforming the other team. That goes for FSU as well as Georgia Tech. The only difference is that Georgia Tech didn’t expect to win.

Georgia Tech fans are posting about The Lord of the Rings while FSU fans admit to not grasping the basic rules of the game. Looks like those comments are still firmly planted on the rails to me.

Unfrosted Pop Tarts are the fucking WORST!

“FCS lives matter” wasn’t bad...also liked the one about the art degree from Richmond

Kane and Lynch. There’s a bank shoot out with police officers where you advance forward over the bodies you’ve shot, and they animated the confused, gasping faces of the dying men. And you only noticed if you looked; it wasn’t flagged like in MW2 or Spec Ops. Intensely horrible.

Totally should not have been allowed. Also not allowed; going to a baseball game during your Rumspringa.

Erin Andrews is a pile of shit at her job.

Part of the fundamental issue involved is how we as a culture frame video games: they’re for fun. It’s an underlying assumption on the part of journalists and many gamers. If you’re playing a game, it needs to feel fun and provoke a sense of enjoyment in you.

The problem with that line of thinking is how it limits

They’ve included a line that states the game was made by people of multiple ‘sexual orientations and gender identities’.

Gabbert sucks eggs compared to Kaepernick and that is saying something.

What was the single worst thing to happen to the HOF in its history? I argue that it’s Frankie Frisch letting in his old drinking buddies when he ran the Veterans Committee.

You are correct, they did, but when you are paying someone a lot of money in season, you don’t want that asset hurt. And since their backup QB is probably terrible (I forget who it is, but I want to say it’s Blaine Gabbert) that is another reason to now have him running the option a bunch.

You know, there’s an offensive system named after a handgun that is perfect for masking Kaep’s deficiencies and accentuating his positives, has been used with some success in the NFL (even if only in a “fuck it” scenario by the Chiefs), and was damn near the reason the Niners drafted him...but it’s just some dumb

Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.