
Ugh, that vein or whatever it is on her neck. She should be required to wear a turtleneck.

Yes, I forgot that Rodgers didn’t recover the onside kick or knock down the 2-point conversion attempt at the end of the Seattle game, or that he drove us down to kick the FG to send the game to overtime even AFTER that horrible onside kick. I also forgot that Rodgers didn’t seal the edge on the option runs against

I dunno...

Now picture him as Grif from RvB.

+1 for figuratively

Then we’d make fun of them on the Internet and nothing else would happen.

Woodman’s liquor departments are the goddamn best. Still miss the Madison Woodman’s on the east side.

Just refuse to feed the horrible little mutant. They can eat what’s made or starve, just like I had to when I was raised. Why doesn’t anybody do that anymore?

Customer was definitely an idiot, but it doesn’t sound like the server went through the options for said idiot. I’m not quite invoking Pinkham’s Law here, but that situation doesn’t seem like it should have been such a struggle.

As a Packers fan, no, they don’t win that game without Davis. Elway and his stupid helicopter scramble makes the highlights but he didn’t have much to do with that victory.


Dubble Bubble was always fine because you got a free comic out of it.

All ages, unless you’re wearing it under a catcher’s mask.

Maybe you’re comparing it to Minnesota and its weird 3.2% alcohol beer restrictions of years gone by? And possibly still on Sundays, I don’t know.

They were just trying to be like Washington DC. Or Detroit.

He’s got a long future ahead of him as the Face of Boe.

Good ‘N’ Plenty are still my favorite candy, even after I learned they use insect shells to color them.

You won a fucking World Series 10 years ago. Shut up until we get ours.

As are all men in their early 20s.

Also, most baseball players never went to college, so they never had time to get all the stupid out of their system.