
No, in fact I am a well-respected filmmaker. In fact, I once did a documentary on online trolls.

You’d probably hate it, though, bc it doesn’t paint you in a good light.

You people said this shit about Sarah Palin too. “Why do liberals have so much vitriol for her?” It’s apparently impossible for you to realize we just really, really like making fun of clownfrauds.

In this case, nobody would have cared about Tebow ever again if he just stayed an SEC Network commentator, which he’s

I’m still surprised that with his background, they’re trying him out at DH and not converting him to a pitcher. His throwing arm already has years of experience hitting corners.

Tebow, by contrast, looks exactly like someone who learned how to hit by looking really intensely at a pile of baseball cards and working backwards from there.

What’s hilarious to me is that they’re THE SAME GOD.

Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

Hey Josh, please go fuck yourself.

I don’t think you understand the purpose of a strike.

When people say Westbrook is making his team better, they are not talking about “assists.” He’s among the lead leaders in improving teammates’ shooting percentages when he passes to them for a shot compared to when they take any other shot, and has been for some years. The team is not only worse on a per-play scoring

Typical conservative troll. Outlandish talking point gets (rightly and brilliantly) destroyed and the response is: “Durr... Obama said something like this before I think.”

What’s the exchange rate of Zunes to iPhones? Asking for a friend.

Defense does matter, and it helps Kawhi’s case, but I’d imagine (and therefore will posit here, without a shred of evidence or expending any effort to validate my claim) that Westbrook’s ungodly high usage rate pretty significantly skews his turnover rate.

Russell Westbrook may very well put up a season triple-double to win league MVP but he didn’t save jazz like Ryan Gosling.

Only been a year since he’s lost his virginity, and the man’s already eatin ass. He’s a quick learner

All over the country Sikhs were targeted for hate crimes and racial harassment after 9/11, because ignorant uneducated white people thought anyone wearing a turban must be a Muslim. You’d think some people would remember that. When xenophobia becomes rampant in society anyone with brown skin is targeted.

Wait, was this at an actual NBA game or was this an NBA 2K17 story shared from fucking ‘Compete’??

Do you also like him because he is articulate?

Oozes charachter?!? Oh, you mean like grit, not personality. Gotcha