No fan of car dealers but I don’t remember howls of outrage when dealers sold cars for less than MSRP. Bottom line -the price of a car is what someone is willing to sell it for. Find the best price you can then decide if the car is worth it.
No fan of car dealers but I don’t remember howls of outrage when dealers sold cars for less than MSRP. Bottom line -the price of a car is what someone is willing to sell it for. Find the best price you can then decide if the car is worth it.
Lucky you. Either you have someone who can stay with your kids while you go shopping or you can afford to have good workers bring everything to your house. Many people don’t have that luxury. Or do you just not feed your kids?
1. In today’s market anything under 10k is a cheap car. Would you like interesting or dependable? Think about it, you won’t get both.
Don’t let them play hockey
1. Doing dumb shit on public roads. Sadly you are more likely to get kicked out of a track day for risking people’s lives than you are to get punished for doing the same thing to people off the track...
Riding an Acela after riding a European train is a good way to realize what a mess our trail system is. Giving those things pointy noses makes as much sense as sticking a monster rear wing on an old piece of crap economy car - it will only matter in your dreams.
I rented one 10 years ago and it was already disappointing then.
Ford Raptor. Same issues as the Charger/Challenger plus higher center of gravity so more likely to roll. OTOH old Citroen DS sounds pretty safe - it won't start so they'll be on the school bus anyway!
Sorry never got the point of these besides being a party for insiders. Who ever went to an auto show to figure out what car to buy?
E type drophead. Gorgeous then, gorgeous now and great performance for the time and price.
They should just make one with a Bolt drive train. Most Corvettes I see are getting passed by Priuses. Only the valets will notice.
I an America’s cup visit is a sailing F1 car this is an F3 car. Cheaper, smaller but still a purpose built racer not intended for anything else. If you can afford a second yacht this could be fun...
I want a wagon that never was. Volkswagen Golf GTI variant.
Don’t discuss re-connecting if you don't plan on doing it. That's how Iron Man 2 happens.
Why can't black people decide laws don't apply to them just like white people do? See: Cliven Bundy, Donald Trump, et al.?
Pacifica hybrid. It’s as big inside as a Yukon/Suburban and better milage plus 30 miles on battery
Pacifica Hellcat? Pleeeez!
I live in Boston. 30 beeping days! We win... If you can call that winning...
The expression "drive it like you stole it" exists for a reason...