As foretold by Gary in season 1, Ash will forever be a loser. Doesn’t matter how hard he trains or how strong of a pokemon he captures, he will continue to lose.
As foretold by Gary in season 1, Ash will forever be a loser. Doesn’t matter how hard he trains or how strong of a pokemon he captures, he will continue to lose.
I’ve gotten better at it, but some still throw me. What I need to do is borrow a trick from raccoons and moisten the pads of my paws to make them more sensitive. This has been your raccoon fun fact for the day.
to this day not sure wich is worse Nina Or Houges daughter at the funneral
The Last Airbender has attracted a broad and passionate fan-base over the years, and was eventually succeeded by its well-intentioned but ultimately less satisfying uneven but still better follow-up, The Legend of Korra.
I love its chimera design but sure, internet. You do know how to make big deals out of, well, anything. Maybe is this crazy one off, maybe there is a whole lab filled with them, and didn’t the endgy skull kid had one?
What has science doooone?!?!
FYI I loved the Mad Max game and my sarcastic tweet was taken TOTALLY out of context but it was still pretty funny to see it in the video.
kit harrington’s face throughout this segment >>>>>
Missed opportunity to have those buff super Saiyan 3 eyebrow less eyes.
The reason I stopped playing OU was because 9/10 times that is the exact team you'll go up against. Maybe add Talonflame to the bunch.