-Most of the UK’s food supply that is sourced from abroad comes from other EU nations (*ahem*), SE Asia and South America.
-Most of the UK’s food supply that is sourced from abroad comes from other EU nations (*ahem*), SE Asia and South America.
You’re too ignorant to realise the rest of the world has been watching you guys act like assholes for 60 years now and this doesn’t surprise any of us.
Pro tip: Stop using Vito Mannone in goal. Try Mika until Pickford is back to health.
The Leafs.
The fucking Expos can’t come back soon enough. All this “Canada’s team” bullshit is nauseating.
He mentioned the auto bailouts.
The Defence of Marriage Act was a bill signed by Clinton.
And if Timmy wasn’t there it would’ve been 14-1.
Seriously, this shit dominated the news cycle for nearly two years. It was peacetime, there wasn’t much else going on. The cultural impact this scandal had was enormous. How that isn’t relevant or worth creative interpretation is ridiculous.
The number of people in this thread who keep bringing up the OJ criminal case as being the polar opposite of the Clinton criminal case is astounding.
The Republicans didn’t do shit to get Clinton into this mess. A very brief sequence of events:
Right. Like OJ.
Matip is a human, and he has a human right to say “no” to the national team
Put simply: Steve Jobs saw Napster and created iTunes. Don’t wanna be a thief but also don’t wanna buy an entire album? $0.99 and that track you want is yours.
There’s a lot of blame to go around here, and to be honest I place very little of it at Cameroon’s feet. They obviously want Matip to play for them which is why they placed him on the preliminary list - they hired a new manager this year who obviously would want a guy who would easily be their best defender on the…
There’s a lot of blame to go around here, and to be honest I place very little of it at Cameroon’s feet. They obviously want Matip to play for them which is why they placed him on the preliminary list - they hired a new manager this year who obviously would want a guy who would easily be their best defender on the…
Vinnie Viola is from New York and this happened in New York.
Politics shapes views of people, obviously, but I always did genuinely believe W was a good person who did what he thought was best for the country. He may have made nearly every important decision on doing that wrong but I never looked at him and his family as bad people but rather good people who “fell in with the…