
Arsenal finally win their group!

The BBWAA is being proactive so that in ten years time they, too, can show Kate Upton that they are allowed to fuck Justin Verlander.

I fucking hate everything.

There are people who think Suarez should be in the running. I would have no problem with that and I have no problem with Pepe either.

That was a long-form of she has schooling and is a war hero who was severely wounded in action. Both will score her points, particularly the latter, but neither that nor her minority status will put her above equally-qualified competition. She also hasn’t served on any non-armed forces related committees in congress

Ron’s still short one of Leo.

Portugal’s best players at Euro 2016:

Tammy’s good but she’ll have to build up one hell of a national profile over the next two years. 2024 might be more realistic for her, same with Tulsi Gabbard.

More like a slave master. Yikes.

They really Masch’ed him up.

You kidding? Quebec might be the most racist place in the Americas. Shit they’re even racist against white people.

Munich was okay but not one of Steve’s best.

Fact: Good Night and Good Luck was better than both Crash and Brokeback Mountain.

Canada only traded in their horses for cars a few years ago. They’re still getting used to it.

Montrealers don’t know how to drive in good conditions. When winter shows up, all hell breaks loose.

Are you insinuating Henrik Lundqvist isn’t “good”?

Hey, they’re called SS Lazio for a reason.

The Sears one? I thought it might’ve been but the barricades on the ground say “C of V” (City of Vancouver) and the doors to the old Sears at Eaton Centre have a column dividing the opening.

None of those things make up a large enough part of the economy of any of those countries to topple a gov’t. For example, Italy produces more wine than anybody on earth but wine-making makes up a very small portion of Italy’s GDP - financial institutions and the energy sector are far larger and make up the bulk of

They’re all from the Vancouver riot.