He’s had some bad games but not nearly as many as the Twitterati would have you believe.
He’s had some bad games but not nearly as many as the Twitterati would have you believe.
I won’t rest until they tell us what happened to the fucking Russian.
Carson Wentz’ hot start turned to hot pig fart rather quickly.
I mean, there is something very wrong with these Niners. No issue here unless i’m hearing it wrong...
Also, the Canucks are apparently planning on re-signing Todd Bertuzzi:
Polling done in NC in the last week by Qunnipiac and CBS both had her at +3%. That’s toss-up to me.
I’m much more inclined to believe this over everything else.
There are so many “toss-up” states going by recent polling that it’s terrifying enough. There’s a very good chance that Hillary wins but doesn’t get past 300, which would be the closest election since 2004.
Also, the Caps are good (at least until the second round) and well-run from management down to coaching.
I mean, Messi & Co. did this against the English league leaders just two days ago, and it involved equally horrendous defending, but...
And while a couple of these look pretty dumb, there are some times where he’s got 2 or 3 guys marking him and the camera is panned out far enough for us to see that there isn’t a single RM player anywhere nearby for him to dish the ball to. When you’re playing with four attackers it’d be nice if one or two actually…
When one of Pepe or Ramos go down they tend to look very vulnerable.
Maybe he wasn’t used to not having anybody boo him everytime he touches the ball?
1) When isn’t there turmoil in the political world? At what point since 2000 at least has there not been?
Throw in the GOP Convention and someday a really good writer will write a very good book about 2016 in Cleveland.
Well I’m sure for years it was easier for Cub fans to look back on Bulls and (more recently) Hawks winning seasons than the Cubs but who the fuck cares today?
Sex tape 2.0?
Two of the world’s 5 largest economies have female heads of gov’t right now.
She’s a warmonger with the blood of dead civilians on her hands in multiple nations.