
hit it with the 16” RPF1s

If Bernie really wants to increase participation of women in the sport then he'd be better off throwing some marketing at kid's karting to get more girls into it at a young age. Feed more girls in at the bottom tier and then you'll naturally increase the chances of a F1 caliber female racer making it to the top.

And the SAAB still manages to look better than either of them.

Cross-plane and low-end grunt do not ride in the same boat, man.

Ceci n'est pas une Caprice.

#0a - Don't get your girlfriend pregnant. Then you're likely going to have to pay for a wedding.

#0: don't get your wife pregnant. A kid adds between 1 and 20 years to the completion of a project

Volkswagen had a wonderful colour called Oak Green. Not available in the states :(

If he's pooped 19 times in the past couple of days I would be canvasing hospitals, because that man ain't right.

As a high school teacher, I watch relentless pursuits on a regular basis. As I much as I feel sympathy for young people in the throes of unrequited love, I will personally intervene if I witness harassing behaviors. Just had to gently, but firmly, ban a kid from coming to my class in any hour that wasn't the one in

Those aren't cuss words. They're sentence enhancers.

Being a special ed teacher and special needs students that went on to work are the most reliable and productive. They are always to work on time, do the work they are assigned and never complain. Great story

Good for them. When we had our garage there was a guy, probably in his 30's, who started coming to visit us. I don't know exactly what was wrong with him, but he had a severe speech impediment, physical disabilities (although he was able to get around easily enough) and diminished mental acuity. I don't know exactly

Pro-tip: no one is honest about parenting on the internet. I'm sure you can see why.

When we were shitty little kids, my mom sat us down and enthusiastically said, "Let's make a list of all your favorite things! What are your most favorite toys and your favorite things to do?" After we excitedly told her these things and she wrote them down, she put the list on the fridge and said, "Now, next time you

I'm pretty positive the Prius has an engine. That's why it makes that engine noise when you step on the go pedal.

Wow, this is wasteful. You could have donated that PT Cruiser and made a less fortunate person's life a little bit shittier.

Haha. I was wondering if anyone would catch that.

Wood. Spruce. You nailed it.