
Nice attempt at outrage porn.

I agree that the comment from razer could be viewed as juvenile or offensive but I think your off base with calling it sexist and homophobic. Could assassin of explained that better? Probably, but your reply dropped you to a juvenile “I know you are but what am I” level as well. I enjoyed (and agreed with most) the

I’m a big fan of Gizmodo but I do not enjoy the perspective of this article. Is there a way to un-follow just your writing on this website but still receive the rest of the feed?

Ad hominem and lame response. But that’s ok since Gawker Media is just a blogging platform and not a actually journalism, except when you all decide it is.

So your just going to avoid saying how this is either Sexist or Homophobic?

I’m afraid you’re the only one that sees it that way.

I’m serious to know why you called the tweet Sexist and Homophobic. I agree you can call it juvenile.

Sexism by definition is, “prejudice or discrimination based on sex.” I don’t see that. Anyone can SaD. Unless it really is because we’re talking about the male appendage.

Then there is homophobic, which again by

the tweet isn’t just juvenile, it’s sexist and homophobic.

Go cry a river.

A bit of an over reaction.