He inevitably thinks that anything not current is instant death in a crash.
He inevitably thinks that anything not current is instant death in a crash.
I am the seller of this car if you would like to contact me. Ide love to answer any other questions you have. Also party are rather easy to find for this thing. It's body parts that are the hard part
I’m going to assume that the car showed around 60476km on the odo. 60476km= ~37788mi and 60448-37788 = 22668. Someone didn’t fix the odo display after it was taken to the US on a previous trip.
I might just go vote with my wallet.
Normally this is a $2000 car, and even in this market, it’s not worth over $3500. Great car for a new driver, but not quite good enough on gas to be a great commuting car and too old to be an only car. Most likely someone who doesn’t need to sell it hoping to cash in on used car market right now, without really…
The ad has been up for 22 days and it’s in…not a very nice part of Philly. Let’s just say that this car is totally a *steal*.
I spent more in rear suspension bushings for my BMW 850
I know it's not the car for me. But it is the car for someone.
I love that this thing exists. It’s one of those “special” cars that really needs to find a “special” buyer. One who is slightly off-kilter in the head, but also has the disposable income to indulge in low-grade madness like this. Sadly, I only fall into one of those categories, and I won’t tell you which.
I don’t think I hit my head this morning, but I was all ready to smash that NP button until I saw the plywood quasi-bed cover. That killed it for me. If the car had a cover that worked as a hard top for rainy days it would be worth $4,500. As it currently sits? Nope. The novelty can’t overcome the shoddy finish.
You are choosing to risk your life, the dog isn’t. How is that the same?
“I travel from Seattle to Scottsdale every other month”
Swap the decal for some horns mounted to the hood and you might have something worthwhile, if listed at half the price.
I own a 2011 QP. a few minor annoyances (starting sticky buttons ect) but the real hiccup is maintenance and minor repairs if you aren’t willing to do it yourself. An oil change using appropriately spec’d oil is about $100 vs 4-500 if you take it to a dealer. All the maserati’s of this era have failure of window…
Used car dealers are such a pain in the ass that a lot of people are willing to lose a lot of money simply for the convenience of not having to deal with one.
I feel like people voting ND are thinking in year 2000 dollars or something. The starting point for a rust free car with no mechanical issues today is $3k. Min. for a boring nothing car. Add the rarity and coolness of the SHO and 90's nostalgia trends, this car is an EASY $4k all day.
This is a pretty good indictment of the Blogging Industrial Complex to me. Bloggers just re-report the same news and instead of going to the primary source, they cite the outlet that they happened to get it from. But the whole thing is like a game of telephone as bloggers have to change enough words to make it their…
Which would be good for emergencies or rolling black outs...But why not just incorporate battery packs into modern homes for this purpose in the first place? have solar on the roof, batteries spread out or stationed somewhere, you should be pretty self sufficient for the most part.