
He’s up there. Just an off-the-cuff top 5, in no order:

It’s not just confusing, I find it contemptuous, both in its respect for the ISS’ mission and the people who work on it, and in that I have contempt for it. Heck, back in the ACTUAL Cold War, the film of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2010 showed basically what would really happen: the American and Russian scientists AND officers

“This is vital: high command left a whole bunch of porn on the station’s hard drive. Really weird shit. You must delete it at all costs. If aliens one day make contact and find the ISS, we don’t want that to be the last record of humanity.”

So what you’re saying is that the filmmakers did their homework.

My initial thought exactly.  It’s not like one side would have been able to hide some sort of weapons system on ISS, and even less likely the U.S. and Russia would have jointly developed something.  Maybe the intent is to use it for communications purposes if satellites had been disabled?  Anyway...thin.

In space, no one can hear you sing.

Likely never.

Robust modding and modular design are the only things  masking their inept design execution for two decades, and that’s why they continue to use their dinosaur engine. They fucked up with Starfield because A.) official mod tools still aren’t officially ready, and B.) they built a segmented series of

The rest of the plot sounds like nonsense too though. If nukes are flying nobody is going to give a shit about 6 people and 33k cubic feet of tin can in orbit.

All this talk about how expensive yet cheap-looking the SFX was misses one important point: not all of that money may have actually made it to the screen. There were rumours that the Shulkie CGI model was originally even buffer, and Disney execs wanted her slimmed down. Y’know what’s a really good way to waste money

I think that is the biggest issue. Marvel movies and shows have a “house style” of filming these days which works for CGI on a movie budget but not on a TV budget. Even a very expensive Disney plus show. Honestly they could have limited how much She-Hulk we got and instead most made it about normal Jen but that

Which is another reason the new series failed for me because she wasn’t she hulk that often.

Iger’s comment on The Marvels was another dagger stuck into the back of Bob Chapek (hey shareholders, remember how much you hated him?). That it serves to grease the skids for reduced content is just a bonus.

Future? Digital has been a thing for almost twenty years at this point and PC has been all-digital for well over a decade. It’s been pretty great, actually. The PC game market has never been stronger and there are a ton of games that simply wouldn’t exist if games were still chained to retail.

Thank you for putting into words the problem I couldn’t quite explain. In the original movies, Weyland-Yutani wants to exploit something borne of nature that is truly terrifying and inconceivable to what we know from earth. Of course, nature is uncontrollable and the corporation’s hubris causes so much more suffering

The idea that, on some level, it was a bioweapon created half an hour ago

I hate the falling back on “I just come from a different time. I see the changes that are happening. I get it, but goddamn, can we fucking laugh at ourselves?”

Oh, least original, least creative, safest, most blatantly fan catering firms are tight!

So you have a new Star Wars movie for me?

The Mandalorian will continue until morale improves 

His lack of remorse and failure to take responsibility for his actions will work against him at sentencing.  His lawyer should have told him to not do any interviews until after sentencing if he wasn’t planning on being contrite.