
It’s Bai Ling, I don’t think she does photos any other way, kinda her schtick. Besides, when friends pass, we can’t control the photos we already took with them.

Not familiar with Bai Ling, huh?

Rickles was actually clever and funny.

That kind of comes through in the movies, too, though, doesn’t it? They all seem like they’re really smart, deep films, but as often as not they’re just convoluted and confusing. The more Nolan does the “trick” of making movies non-linearly, the more it seems like a crutch, a distraction to hide other problems.

The real problem is that we’re listening to Christopher Nolan in real time.

“There’s no superhero science-fiction film coming out these days where I see some influence of Zack,” Nolan claimed

Given that this is A) AV Club and B) Sam Barsanti, I’m guessing this was a misquote missed by the editors, whom of course there are none:

Shouldn’t we feel shortchanged by Tenet?

Some people just like to watch the world burn.

Yeah he forgot the “don’t” from the quote in the original profile on the Atlantic. Kind of an important word, in context. Sometimes I read stuff like this and wonder, “Why the hell was this even written?” And then I realize that I’m reading it. I have met the enemy, and I am he.

I played it for an hour and uninstalled. Just bad. I still don’t understand how some game designer who gets paid money for what he does thinks being able to run yourself to death is a good idea

wild i never thought i’d say this but, i went back to Skyrim for another go round and had more fun / memorable exp than the 30 hrs i put into Starfield

In fairness, Todd admitted that the game just wasn’t fun one year before release, so the only real confusion they had was assuming that their stop-gap measures to improve the game (like making fuel useless,) were enough of an improvement to ship with, and not something that would ruin the game when combined with

I mean, I liked Starfield in a vacuum, but it definitely didn’t live up to the hype, and it definitely wasn’t your typical Bethesda game where you put in 100 hours without touching the main quest. In another year maybe they manage expectations and turn it around, but in a year with as many truly great games as 2023

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

Kylo going full MacBeth is the end of The Last Jedi. Then they just kind of forgot he gave a speech pledging to murder Rey, destroy the Resistance, and scour the galaxy turning it into a fascist bloodbath.

Starfield impresses with its galactic scale

The “improved traversal options" are so you can go to a planet and find nothing, but faster lol

*definitely not a Bethesda paid customer service rep*: “Actually the worlds AREN’T lifeless and pointless, you’re just playing the game wrong! Why don’t you like fun?”

Guess you could say the folks dense enough to buy this thing were only born... The day before.