
Of, course Redditors have done a deep dive and the only potential A-Listers they could find that shared intimate scenes were Kidman, Winslet, Renee Zelwegger, and Cameron Diaz. It appears everyone’s money is on Diaz. None of the others could be really be considered A-Listers at the time but The Invisible Circus was

Well, yeah, drunk people making an ass out of themselves can be funny.

Ah, Elle King. Love Stuff is a pretty good album and I actually had hopes. It landed in that intermingling of 60s swing and crunchy rock period (Gin Wigmore also comes to mind) with vocal stylings that I really liked, but King was a mess from the start unfortunately. It’s hard to find a live performance (which is

Read the interview. It doesn’t sound like that at all. It’s an answer to a direct question, and Eccleston has never been one to shy away from calling out what he perceived as bullshit from other actors, directors and producers in the past.

This whole confession was bizarrely inspired by Eccleston praising intimacy coordinators.

Well, that looks very pedestrian. The environmental and NPC enemy textures are middling, and the actions the player can take seem pretty rote. Not sure how this could distinguish itself. 

Royalties is not the term you mean to use. Pretty much no creatives are collecting royalties from a 50 year old movie. It’s just not how contracts worked then. You’re more talking about licensing, where a studio licenses a film to be distributed (streamed) by whatever distribution source agrees to the arraignment.

Evans - I legit thought Cap was unplayable and certainly not by someone I chalked up as lightweight.

Fisk ends up being elected as mayor of NY in the comics as well and Matt Murdock ends up being his deputy mayor (Matt had prior used Purple Man’s powers to make Fisk forget that he’s Daredevil) to keep an eye on him. Fisk runs on an anti-vigilante platform. Unsurprisingly, Fisk uses his position to consolidate his

Exactly. The ISS is a scientific laboratory. One of the requirements to be a NASA astronaut these days is at least a masters in a STEM field plus 2 years of experience in said field post-degree or at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time on jet aircraft. Also, rather importantly, astronauts aren’t military. They

It boosts about every 30 days due to being in Low Earth Orbit. Without the every 3 month fuel resupplies it would last around 6 months, since the last resupply, before catastrophically entering the atmosphere.

Agreed. The ISS always has one or more crew delivery craft docked while onboard, either the Russian Soyuz or the SpaceX Crew Dragon. In the case of emergency both can be used as return vehicles BUT they need coordination with the ground, which would obviously be impossible in this scenario, making for great tension.

The ISS loses about 100m/day in altitude and requires monthly reboosts. That’s why most of the weight of the quarterly resupply missions are fuel. These boosts are also controlled from the ground, not on the station. Without resupply the ISS would maybe last 6 months before descending into the atmosphere and burning

The ISS, and the US in turn, has been dependent on Russian launches to get to the ISS and resupply it from the start. There’s more options now but most resupply missions are still Russian, even with everything going on. The ISS has been free from nationalism no matter how bad it’s gotten on the ground. It would also

The ISS relies on the TDRS geosynchronous satellite network for communication. If those were somehow taken out it has high gain VHF antennas that allow voice communication, but only to someone listening on a radio in an area below it. It’s in a fast circular orbit, 93 minutes per orbit, and for much of the year it’s

So most movies must have a director’s cut waiting to be released.

This wipes out both Russian and U.S. communications systems, leaving both sides with a final message: a directive to seize control of the station by any means necessary.

I tried getting into Yakuza games recently. Had a whole Saturday to myself and O was free on PS+. After about 6 hours, at least half of which was cutscenes, I gave up and never picked it up again. I just don’t have time for that. When I play a game I actually want to play a game, not set my controller down on the

Yeah, they didn’t look, and weren’t cheap. Trying to composite a full CGI mo-cap character onto a real set, with real lighting, is mind bogglingly hard. It’s honestly some of the best I’ve seen. Realize when you see full CGI characters the entire background is usually also CGI, so there’s full control of the best CGI l

The problem with that is that Jennifer is always Jennifer even when she’s “Hulked-out.” After the initial transformation, in the comics, she really never transforms back to human form. She’s always an 8 foot tall, green, superhumanly strong lawyer who is still just Jen. That’s what makes the best of her comics so